Chapter 65: Do Overs and Untold Stories

Start from the beginning

Dominique and Mkhulu's conversation has come to a stop, they both lag behind me like they're waiting for something. I turn around, wordlessly asking about their behaviour and they shrug.

I turn back around, we're in front of the blue building. The familiar sign at the top buzzes, illuminated with blue neon lit words— Food and Karaoke.

Everything about this place calls for attention in a bright, flashy way but it's the simplicity in the midst of it that captures my attention. Captures my heart.


I turn back, looking at Mkhulu and Dominique and they've both got huge grins on their faces like they've been holding in the news for too long.

I turn back and right before my very eyes, I see her.

She's standing by the entrance. The moonlight reaches the glow of her skin and she's in that yellow dress again. The same dress she wore the time we came here.

Her neck is adorned with a golden necklace.  Her braids are free, flowing down her back and shoulders in curly waves, with a white rose placed in.

When she smiles, it all slows down to a heart melting pace. In my eyes, the dark blue sky is now starless because she's stolen all of them and put them in her eyes. That can be the only explanation for why they twinkle like that.

“What are you waiting for, lover boy!" Dominique teases from behind me, “Go forth, your Juliet is waiting for you.” He pushes me forward a little, bringing me back to my senses.

Dominique and Mkhulu walk past me, both of them greeting Olivia on the way before they disappear into the entrance of the restaurant.

I'm walking towards her and she meets me halfway. We're barely a feet apart, she looks up at me. Slowly, I part a few loose braids behind her ears.  “You are so beautiful.”

She blushes, the smile sweet, incomparable.

“You're here…you're actually here. Tell me this isn't a dream.”

She laughs, softly. “No.” She whispers, and my heart is safe to fall at those words.

“What this is…” Olivia continues, with a stronger tone. “This is a do over. Another chance. I —” she's wordless.

With our gazes locked on each other, I hold  both her hands, entwining our fingers.

“Can we have a do over  of the other night, Leo?”

“Are you saying that…you're gonna sing? Olivia, it's okay. You were right, those types of things shouldn't be forced onto people only —”

“Leonardo.” She cuts me off, ending in a soft laugh.

“ I want to do this.”  She says confidently, “I want a do over and I'm not just talking about us. I'm talking about my life. Putting a pause on my goals and dreams like that— it's crazy. Support me?”

I bring one of her hands that I have a hold of, kissing it gently. “Always.”


The restaurant is just as I remembered it, dimly lit, with neon light lighting here and there in the colours pink and blue. Almost every table is filled. We all get a table that's right in the middle, a few tables away from the stage.

The blue round tables we sit around are filled with an array of delicious food, placed on white plates. The Cheese burgers drip with a smoky sauce. The chips are large, a good balance between crunchy and soft.

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