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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The chapter is not proof read, please ignore the mistakes...

I'm back here! Just few new faces, the environment is different, it's another club, same amount of elites are here but I don't give a damn about it. I just need to see the same face that i always come to see.

But It's pretty early for him to come, this place had been booked by the Kim's, it's another grand party thrown by the Mayor in the celebration of completing another useless project for the public of this city. It's not just me who's saying this, every mouth of this city saying the same thing, Mayor Kim is just wasting money as these useless projects do no good for people. Saving damn lilies in the country garden is not the potential thing people really need right now, they need food and water more than that, they need basic necessities not the damn lilies.

I am sitting on the far corner, basically this table hides me well as there is a dim light in the room and this table is pretty at the corner that very few people really come and sit here. Right now, it's just me and two other people here on this table and they seem equally uninterested to attend this party.

And then suddenly the buzz surrounded the whole damn place, everyone stood up, the hall erupted in praises and voices. Then i saw at the entrance the might Kim's are here, in the front is happy Mayor, hugging and talking to his security manager, behind him is—— Oh God, he's still handsome—- the familiar mope of silver hair, slim face with his infamous tan tone, and insanely gorgeous male. Silver!

He looks so professional, so confident, on his arm is his wife, she is wearing the same colour dress like his suit. He look gorgeous, suppressing every face in this damn place. I felt my heart beat at enormous rate, then i felt it clench right after when he kissed her on the temple while taking the picture. He shouldn't be kissing her!

You should've been a man enough to stand for him!

I knew my inner voice was not wrong but it hurts so damn much every time i see him in these parties. It's been a month, i've been coming to such parties anonymously, this is the 12th party for this month, and he always come with her, hands in hands, smile on his face. He kisses her, hugs her close, dances with her, h-he must share bed with her also, they must sit across eachother and have breakfast, lunch and dinner. She must take care of him.

Does she know he likes to eat brownies with a tub of ice-cream with them?

Does she know he likes to sit outside at night and watch the stars?

Does she know—-

She knows! She's his wife, she's more loyal to him then your ass ever will be! Shut your fucking concern off now! And leave this place!

"Oh Taehyung! I always ask the mayor what did he ever do to get a son like you. I have three of them and all of them ate brats, seriously. Have them learn something from you." I snapped back to reality when i heard Mr. Han talk. They are standing so close to me, Oh my universe, he's standing just at my arm's length.

"I'm sure they love you Mr. Han, they just not know how to show it." Taehyung said with the widest smile he can give. His boxy smile still stretches so good on his face.

"And I'm not as perfect as my father always says." Taehyung said with a laugh, he then leaned in towards Mr. Han in a way that seemed like he's going to tell him a secret. "I've got my own flaws."

You are flawless, beautiful, and so damn perfect always.

"Oh stop it, i've seen you grow up in front of my eyes. If i had a son like you I would've been the luckiest man alive. Believe me the way you took after your father, the way you make sure everyone get's everything even when it's you father's responsibility, I'm sure Mr. Kim must've done some good shit in his past life. He's a lucky bastard." Mr. Han laughed.

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