Part 35

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"There's nothing between us Daniel.. that was over a long time ago.."

"Sure it was.."

He makes me more annoyed with every pushing comment. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"It was over between us the day you decided to fuck someone else.." I snap catching him off guard as I turn away.

"You gave Robert a second chance.. so why not me eh?"

"What? How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways of finding things about.. especially when it's the guy who's taking my one and only girl away from me.."

"Don't ever say that.. I'll never ever be your girl again.." I say, and thankfully, I see Kate making her way over to us.. but it doesn't last long as she's met by another person saying hello to her, she shoots me an apologetic look so I give her a smile to say it's ok.

"It's never gonna be over between us, and you know it.. you know deep down you're not over me.. or us.."

"It is! For fucks sake Daniel.. why can't you understand? I am with Robert! I love him, and I'm gonna be with him for the rest of my life, got it?!" I tell him straight and he smirks.

"You keep telling yourself that babe.. and when you start to feel homesick over there.. I'll be here waiting for'll come running back.. just like you always do.. because I'm the only one really understands you, I'm the only who's ever loved you.. im the only one who gave you a chance of being loved, when no one else wanted you.. I felt sorry for you.. and when Robert realises that you're a pathetic excuse of a person, he'll find out what you're truly like.. an obsessive.. scared of being alone, little girl.. and when he does, you'll soon realise who you belong to.. me.. it'll always be me..Soph.. and you know it.. don't you?!" He tells me with a harsh stare from his eyes.. I feel vulnerable, I feel weak. I try not to think about the words he's just used.. but they hurt.. they hurt deep.. and I want to cry.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I hear beyond his words, and surprisingly it's Josh, followed closely by Kate.

"Josh! Buddy! How are you? Is Jake here too? God I haven't seen you guys in so long! We must hang out again soon.. go to that bar you know.. where we saw the blonde with.."

"Dan..please just shut the fuck up.. what are you doing?" Josh warns him as Kate holds my arm.

"You alright?" Kate asks me, and I nod a little, before she's giving me a hug.. "You have no business talking to her I suggest you leave.. now.."

"I've just got here? Besides.. I was invited.. and I'm waiting for my date.." he smirks back at her smugly before looking at me.. just as he glances over my shoulder.. "Ah! There she is now! Tina!!"

I slowly turn my head in shock as I see her, arriving with her little short skirt, and make up plastered all over her face.

"You have got to be kidding me.." I hear Kate take the words right out of my mouth.. "Tina.. and Daniel.. together on a date?!"

"Did you tell them I was coming or.." I watch Daniel walk over to Tina, placing a long, lingering kiss on her lips, my jaw tightens and my stomach turns, the feeling of sadness quickly washing away as I stare at them together.

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