Part 27

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"I can't believe you're taking me back to New York.."

"I told you we'd go there together.. just didn't expect it to be this quick.."

"I can't wait! I'll show you all my favourite places, you can meet my friends! Ah I can't wait to tell them!"

"You can come with me to sign over the business deal, and then we can do some touristy stuff.." he smirks.. "We are actually going for a reason don't forget.."

"I know! I know! Sorry.. Robert.. I just.. the thought of going home.. it just makes me happy.."

"Don't be sorry, I know how much it means to you.." his hand lifts up to gently stroke my cheek with the back of his hand.. "That's why I planned to stay a little longer than we need too.. just so we can explore and.. have some time together.. if that's okay with the boss.."

"Of course!" My dad is quick to acknowledge.. "I know how much it means to her, and if it's gets the business done.. just don't have a big fall out like last time alright? I can't have you both moping around again.."

"We won't.. that's for sure.." Robert wraps his arm around my shoulder.. "Right babe?"

"Depends if you can behave.." I give him a little playful nudge, I don't want to remind him why we actually fell out in the first place.

"I'll be on my best behaviour.. I promise.." he smirks.. pulling me close to him. I know I've already said it.. but I can't believe he's actually taking me to New York. I keep telling him that for the rest of the day.. I'm sure it's getting annoying for him.

Later that night, we're sat together on the couch, I'm cuddled up to him as I'm going through my socials on my phone, he's watching a weird documentary which I have no interest in. I never have been a one for those shows.. give me a crime series any day. As I'm sat scrolling, I give him a little nudge to look at me, and I quickly take a snap of us together, it's cute.. and I realise it's actually our first proper photo together.. so I set it as my Lock Screen..

"That's cute.." he notices when I do it.. admiring the photo.

"I like it.. and it's a one where we're just being us.."

"Send it to me please? I'd like to have it.."

"Of course.." I scroll through my phone again, and send the photo I just took over to him. Not realising that I've actually sent it to the group chat with Kate, Jake and Tina and holy shit, does that make the chat come alive.

Jake - OMFG


Jake - Oh it so is!!! That fit guy from the party.. yes Soph!!! you go girl!!!

Tina - is that actually him? Downey?

At least one of them remembered his name.. and of course it had to be Tina. I know she'll be jealous.. but I'm sure she'll be happy for me. I smirk, as I start typing my reply..

Sorry, this photo was actually meant for him.. but yes it happened.. and I was going to tell you guys next week when we visit..

Jake - WAIT!!! You're coming to visit with him?!?! WHAT!!!

yes! He's got a business trip.. and well.. seeing how we're now together.. he's letting me join him.. he bought me a ticket and everything to come home.. he's literally the sweetest

Kate - omg that is so cute and god this is unbelievable!!! What!!!

I'll see you guys next week! I'm going home :-)!!!

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