Part 32

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"Wait.. what?!"

"Daniel..this is Robert.. my boyfriend.." I say again taking Robert's hands, offering him a smile.. but Robert just looks so unamused at this.

"And he's your ex.." Robert mutters, interrupting Daniel.

"I heard it the first time Soph.. and yeah I'm her ex.." Daniel responds directly to Robert. "I can't believe it..I mean you actually got with someone else?" He says in disbelief, but I'm not sure why, like why wouldn't I move on? Am I supposed to stay single forever?

"Yes.. why wouldn't I?" I ask.

"You never gave me a chance to explain, you ignored my messages for days and I guess, well I just thought we would.." he begins but he is suddenly changing whatever it was that he was going to say.. "Um nevermind.. well it was nice to see you again.. if you ever want to catch up.. you know where to find me.." he places his hand on my shoulder, and I can't help but notice Robert's reaction, that jealous look he gets, the same look he would give me when Mason was talking to me.

"Sure.. goodbye Daniel.." I watch him walk away, and rejoin the line to order his food. I stare at him for a few moments as I try and figure out what just happened.. before looking back to Robert who still looks a little pissed off.

"Bit weird isn't it?" He asks, looking away from me to look out the window.

"What is?"

"Out of all the places to eat in New York.. you choose this place.."

"I told you it's my favourite place.. we used to come here nearly every.."

"Yeah I get that.." he cuts me off.. "But it's just a little bit weird to me that your boyfriend randomly turns up at the exact same place you choose to come for lunch..same place, at the same time.."

"Ex.. boyfriend.." I remind him.. "It is purely coincidence that he's here, I didn't invite him if that's what you're wondering, I didn't expect him to be here.. purely on chance that he's here the same time as us.."

"Right.." he looks back at me, and then back at Daniel who's just walking past us with his takeout.. he offers us both a smile, which I try hard not to return.. seeing him here just opened up a whole lot of different feelings..

"See you around Soph.." I hear Daniel call over before he's leaving through the door.

"So why did you two break up?" Robert asks curiously, his voice interrupts my thoughts.

"What? Why are you asking that?"

"I just wanna know.." he shrugs, taking a sip of his drink.. "What happened between the two of you.. what didn't he get to explain to you before you left.."

"Really?" I let out a little sigh.. "Right.. well we broke up just before I left for California.."

"Okay..I kinda got that part.." he narrows his eyes, fidgeting with the napkin on the table.. "But you still didn't answer my question.."

"Do we really have to go over this?" I groan.. "It's in the past.. we broke up.. end of story.."

"Oh come on.. there must have been a reason.."

"There was.. I just don't wanna relive it that's all.." I say, but I know I owe him something to stop him being jealous.. "But if you really wanna know, I caught him in bed with another girl.. I left him that night and then not long after we moved out here.. he didn't really beg me to stay so.."

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