Part 21

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"Plans? With who?" He asks but is quick to work it out.. "You've got plans with Mason haven't you?"

"I'm sorry.."

"You're going out with him? You'd rather go out with him than dinner with me?"

"It's not that.. they invited me for drinks.. I can't really say no.."

"Who's they?"

"The team.. I'm meeting them for drinks, not just Mason.. it's a chance for me to make a few new friends.. you know I don't have any over here.."

"Fine.. it's go and have some fun.." he looks away..but I rest my hand on his thigh.. making him look down at the contact.. "Please just be careful.."

"I will.. and I am sorry Robert, it's just.. I'd really like to try and get to them a little more, since we're all going to be working together.. it's bad enough when your dad is the boss.. there's always that next level of no trust..."

"Sweetheart, it's totally fine.. we can have dinner together another night.. honestly.. I'm alright.." he tries to convince me but I can see he's a little hurt at the rejection.. and I can actually feel myself already hating that I've had to do it.. he's trying to make amends.. I can tell that he's trying..

"How about dinner tomorrow night instead? You can cook for me and we can have a nice night together?" I offer him, and he smiles, placing his hand on top of mine that still rests on his thigh

"Yeah.. I'd like that.." he takes my hand in his, and brings it up his mouth, softly kissing the back of my hand.. "If you need me, just call alright?"

"You know I will.. always my knight ey' Downey?"

"You got that right.." he kisses it again before letting go and patting my thigh.. "You better get going, your new friends will be waiting.."

"Yeah.." I laugh.. "Don't want them to think I'm not turning up.." I glance his way for a few seconds, our eyes meeting, as we just gaze at each other.. "I uh.."


"I better go.." I quickly change what I was going to say.. "I'll see you tomorrow.." I give him a quick kiss to the cheek before standing up.. and before I can walk away, he's standing up beside me, but grabbing my hand, pulling me back towards him.. our chest bump slightly, and his arms snakes around my waist..I laugh at his eagerness as he holds me close..  "What the.."

"Don't forget, that I love you.." he whispers, before tilting his head slightly to fit in my neck.. leaving a soft kiss just under my ear.. "I love you so much.."

"I really need to go.." I let out a laugh again.. as he sways us a little.. "Please?"

"Sorry.. I just hate saying goodbye to you.."

"I know, but I'll be seeing you tomorrow.. and we have that dinner to look forward to.. if you still want to.."

"Damn right I do.. if it's a chance to win you over.. I'm taking it.."

"Mmm.. we'll see Downey.." I place a quick kiss on his lips, before finally escaping his grasp.. I head out of his office, giving a little wave to i hi m before disappearing and catching up with the rest of the team.. I join Mason and another two in his car as he drives us into town.. we arrive at a small cocktail bar, and one of the girls finds us some booths to sit in..

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