Part 18

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Let's face it, I struggled to sleep. I lay awake pretty much all night thinking of Robert, and what he said about me. He asked my parents if he could marry me.. I mean what the hell is up with that?!

But most importantly, my dad's reaction.. it wasn't what I expected it to be.. I thought he would be totally set against me and Robert.. together.. but he seemed okay with it? And now my mom knows, we can't really hide it anymore, she'll be keeping a watchful eye on us for sure.

By the time I wake up, it's nearly 10:30am.. and I'm supposed to meet Mason down the beach at 11am, it's a quick scramble to get ready and dressed as I race downstairs, my mom stops me before I can leave..

"Where are you rushing off too?" She asks as she's working in front driveway.

"I'm heading down to the beach.. I'm uh.. meeting Mason there.."

"You are?!" She asks surprised.. "What about Robert?"

"What about him?"

"Don't you two need to.. you" she says in a whisper, just in case dad is lurking.


"Are you going to?"

"I don't know.. maybe.." I shrug.. "Sorry, mom I really have to go.. can we talk later?!" I say as I'm walking backwards towards our front gate.. "See you!" I'm disappearing out of her sight, as I make my way down to the beach. I walk along the sand passing many people, as I go.. and when I look up, Mason is sat on his own in the same spot we met a few days ago.

I don't know why I'm feeling a little nervous, I hate not knowing what happened or how to explain why I did it, looking at the photos it's all a blur.

"Hey.." I sit beside him, looking out at the water.

"Sophia.. hey.. I'm so glad you could come.."

"Well.. I think it was for the best don't you? We seem to have a lot to talk about.."

"Yeah.. we do.. it uh.. that night was.." he tries, not really knowing what to say or how to address it.

"We kissed, so I think we are way passed the awkwardness.."

"Yeah.." he laughs a little.. "Just a little bit.."

"So tell me what happened after, I'm sorry but I really don't remember it, the last I remember was dancing to ABBA.."

"Well.." he looks back out to the water.. playing with some sand in his hand.. "It was just after that, when the song had finished.. I held you close to me and we kissed.."


"I can't speak for you, but I think you enjoyed.. I know I did.."

"You did?"

"Of course.. I know it's cheesy, and probably a little too soon to admit but.. I really like you Sophia.. and when we kissed, it felt like we were made for each other.."


"I'm serious, we have this spark.. a connection.. and I know I'm not the only that feels it.."

okay this is not what I was expecting.. but it sounds way too familiar

I look out at the water, before glancing back over to Mason.. he turns to me, and he has the look in his eye, a smirk starts to form on his lips as he glances down to my lips, he begins to lean in.. but I have to bring a hand in between us to stop him..

"Mason.. if you really liked me, why did you leave me alone to go off with another woman?!" I ask, and he sighs, hanging his head a little when I stop him from kissing me.

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