Part 16

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Morning. Not a fan.

Especially when I wake up and my head is thumping.. oh dear.. just how many did I have to drink last night?

I glance and reach over to my phone to check the time.. 8:30am. Ugh.

I lean back against my pillow, shutting my eyes for a moment, trying to remember our night.. but it's all a bit of blur.. the last I can remember is dancing to ABBA on the dance floor with Mason.. after that.. nothing. That is until I begin to check my phone..

A few phone calls to Robert but it looks like he didn't answer.. so then.. I sent him messages.. oh shit. When I look at my camera roll, there's some embarrassing ones.. with Mason, and it.. looks like we kissed?!

Oh shit indeed.

I climb out of bed, and make my way out onto my head hurts from trying to remember what happened.. I sit scrolling through my photos, embarrassed at some of them. Especially the kiss.. it looks pretty heated.. tongues.. hands on my waist.. but who even took the photo? How am I gonna face him on Monday at work? Why did I send messages to Robert?

As I hold my head in total embarrassment, there's a knock to my door, I turn and see my mom coming in with some breakfast on a tray..

"Hey sweetie.. how's the head?"

"Uh.. fine.. I think.."

"You're lucky Robert found you, and brought you home when he did, otherwise I think you would have still been out now.."

"Wait, hold up.." I sit up straight quickly in my chair.. "What??"

"Yeah, apparently you needed a ride home so you called Robert, which isn't a bad thing, your dad doesn't know.."

"But why Robert.. I.."

"I don't know, but thankfully he was able to come and get you.."

"What happened with Mason?"

"Apparently he left you on your own, according to Robert, but I'm not sure, you went straight to bed when you came in.."

"Oh right.."

"I know.. have something to eat and maybe you'll feel better.." 

"Thanks mom.." she leaves me to my thoughts as I sit eating breakfast on my own, looking out into the distance.. I try to remember again what happened, and now why Mason would leave me on my own? Did I say something I shouldn't? I hope I didn't say anything about Robert to him.. that would be something I could never explain.

I check my messages to Robert that I had sent.. and it seems my mom was telling the truth..

hey downey

whaat you doing?

why didn't you answer me :-(

How embarrassing. The sad face? Please.. I'm really surprised he actually came to bring me home.. but when I read the next message, it all kinda makes sense.

mason's left me for another girl, can you come and get me pls

He must have literally jumped in his car, and came to pick me up, because my mom wouldn't lie about him bringing me home. At least it was him and we can kinda explain it to my mom without it looking suspicious.

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