Part 8

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"Robert seems to be getting on well with her.. I guess that 10$ is gonna be mine.." Jake smugly says as we still sit by the pool, we had all been changed into comfy clothes as the sun began to set and night arrived. The place had gone quiet, people were starting to leave, but Robert was still sat with this woman, I'm not going to lie it was killing me.

He's never looked over my way once, in the whole time he's been sat with her. I get that we're not together but come on.. doing it right under my nose is a bit much right?! Or am I just over thinking it..

"Anyway..I think it's time we call it a night.. come on guys.." Kate stands up and tells Jake and Tina it's time to leave.

"It's been so nice to see you guys..I'll see you down the beach tomorrow?"

"100% and we're going out for lunch!"

"Sounds great.." I give them all a hug, and a kiss goodbye before showing them out to the door.. when I return to the garden area, Robert's no longer to be seen out here.. and neither is the woman he was sat with.. I guess my friends were right.. I'll owe Jake money tomorrow when I see them.

I make my way back inside, and decide to call it a night, there's still a few people left so I decide to just sit on my balcony, looking over the people that were still here. They're all just casually talking amongst each other, my parents included.

As I'm sat alone, scrolling through my phone, looking through the photos being shared in the group chat, cute ones, silly ones.. mostly ones of Jake's selfies because he loves himself.. I have my music playing softly away in the background, I don't hear my bedroom door opening.. I nearly alert the whole house that Robert's snuck into my bedroom when he creeps up behind me, placing his hands over my eyes..

"Guess who?" He whispers in my ear which nearly made me die, I scream so loud he actually jumps.

"What the fuck!" I quickly spin in my seat.. "Robert!!"

"Shush.." he quickly places his finger on my lips before hes pulling me inside.. "It's only me.."

"What are you doing in here?!" I ask trying to calm my heart rate down.. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"I'm sorry baby.. just.. I didn't want to leave without seeing you first.."

"Well.. now you've seen me.." I say dramatically.. "Now you can go home.."

"Woah.. what's with the attitude.. what's changed since.." he checks his watch.. "Like 3 hours ago?"

"Oh.. um.. I don't know maybe ask that blonde you were with?!" I huff, sitting down on my bed, to which he smirks at.

"Blonde.. oh.." he laughs.. "Her? Why would I ask her?"

"Because you seemed to enjoy her company.. a lot.."

"I did.. actually.." he wipes his lip.. like I didn't need to know what they've been getting up to.

"Seriously?" I frown, just wanting to play any games.. "Just go Robert, you're clearly not bothered about I feel or anything so just go.."

"Sophia.. hold on a second.. I don't understand what you're trying to say?"

"Why don't you go and find her? She seems more interesting.."

"As if.." he lets out a groan in frustration before he sits down beside me.. "If you are really that jealous, and need to know, she's an old friend of mine, her husband is in town at a works convention, we've spent the last few hours catching up.. that's all.."


"You might think that I was interested in fucking her, I mean don't get me wrong I probably was many years ago, but that was before she married one of my closest high school friends.."

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