Part 17

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"Well.. do you?"

"I think we better go back outside, they'll be wondering where we are.."

"I need to know Sophia.." He grabs my wrist before I can walk away.. he pulls be close to him our bodies hitting each other.. "Please?"

"Robert, I was drunk, I always say stupid stuff when I'm drunk.."

"I don't believe you.." his hand is placed in the crook my neck, keeping my head still so our eyes are focused on each other.. "I know how you feel, because.. well there's a spark, a connection between us that you can't ignore.." his eyes scan my face, before falling down to my lips.. I anticipate his next move to be a kiss.. and I was right, he begins to lean and he gently places a kiss on my lips.. that familiar feeling once again..sending waves through my body.. "See.. we can't deny it.."

"I need to go..back out there.. I.." I try but he keeps us close.. he presses his body against mine, pushing me against the counter top.. just like before, it's hard to fight the urge that's telling me to kiss him senseless.. "Please don't do this.."

"Do what?" He asks.."Oh you mean.." he's connecting our lips again, our tongues moving slowly in sync as we make out in his kitchen.. my hands instinctively go to the back of his neck and I play with his hair line.. one hand of his still holding my neck whilst the other grips my waist.. it takes a moment before I realise what's happening and I have to push him away again..

"Sorry.. I want you.. I do.. but my parents are right outside..I'm sorry.."  I don't give him a chance to say anything, as I quickly grab the drinks and head back outside.. my parents clearly didn't realise how long we'd been gone for as they sit talking and laughing away, my mom is cuddled up to my dad as I hand her the drink.

"Where's Downey?"

"Uh.. I don't know.. I thought he said he needed the bathroom?"

"He's probably onto his girlfriend or something.."

"Girlfriend?" I ask curiously.. "I didn't know he had one.."

"He doesn't, well at least I think he doesn't.. your dad's always trying to tease him, because he hasn't settled down yet.."

"Well he should be! There's a girl out there for him, he just hasn't looked close enough.."

"Maybe he doesn't want to settle down.." I try just as Robert enters the party once again. He doesn't say anything about what just happened, he just sits beside me with his fresh drink in hand.

"Settle down?" He overhears.. "Please don't tell me you're talking about me again Andrew.."

"Yes.. dad told us he teases you for not having a girlfriend yet.." I say, and he smirks making me a little uneasy with what he's about to say.. or do..

"If you want me to settle down, and make an honest woman of someone.." he begins, and I'm not prorated what he says next.. "Would you let me marry Sophia?" He asks with a wide ass grin and I swear I nearly choke on fresh air.. "Well would you?"

excuse me Robert, what the fuck?!

"If I knew my princess was marrying someone as successful as you.. I think I'd be fine with it.. I know she would be well looked after.."

"You didn't really answer my question boss.." Robert laughs, so he asks it again.. "Would you let me marry your daughter?"

"Well I don't know I.." he looks between the two of us.. "You're not really the marriage type.. if you hurt her, I'd kill you.."

"If it means settling down, and you stop nagging me then no I wouldn't hurt her, I'd treat her like a princess.."

"It's a shame Sophia isn't ready to settle down either, right sweetie?" My mom interrupts thankfully she noticed how uncomfortable I was with this whole conversation.

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