Together Again

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Ayushi : why this damn lift is not coming
So slow
Elevator dings:
Door opens!!!
Capt Nirbhay is there in the elevator
Ayushi gets into the elevator
Door close !
Ayushi press on 15th floor
Elevator starts shaking 🫨
The elevator stops suddenly midway...
Ayushi: fumbling herself
Nothing good happens when I m with you 🙃
Nirbhay: I feel same 😏
Lights goes off suddenly
Ayushi holds capt. Nirbhays arm tightly
Ayushi: I m claustrophobic
Nirbhay holds her hands ...
Nirbhay: Take a deep breath...
U will be fine...
Lights come ...
Nirbhay saw ayushi unconscious
Nirbhay: ayushi???
Nirbhay pats  her face
Calls her again
Ayushi: ........( No response)
Elevator dings !
Doors r open
Nirbhay carries her in princess style
He runs towards doctors clinic
Nirbhay: Doc she was unconscious
Doc : please lie her down in bed
Doc checks her eyes
her bp
Ayushi opens her eyes
Doc : her bp is low she has hypoglycemia
I will give her IV
Ayushi: No !!! No injection 😭 ( almost about to cry)
AYUSHI holding nirbhays hand like a child 🥺
Nirbhay: I m here look at me
Nirbhay distracts ayushi while doc is injecting IV😂😂
Ayushi screaming... Almost scratches nirbhays hand
Nirbhay didn't all🫠
Doc : all done
Now u can wait here till iv finishes
Ayushi: u r not that bad actually
Nirbhay smiles for first time 😊
Ayushi ( 💭 he looks handsome when he smiles 😊.... Telling herself mentally not to fall for his good looks )
Nirbhay: congratulations
Ayushi: what? I didn't hear ? 🤨
Nirbhay: i said congratulations 🫡
Nirbhay stands up proceed to walk
Ayushi: were r u going?
Nirbhay: I m here sit down again
Doc comes and checkup on ayushi
Doc : Now u can take her back
Nirbhay: supports her takes her to her dorm room.
Doorbell rings !
Disha: wait coming....
Disha opens the door
Disha : 😧 capt . Nirbhay...? Why r u here?
Nirbhay: where is her bed?
Disha : there... ( 💭 How did they reached from enemies to bed😏)
Nirbhay: picks her up and places her in her bed
Ayushi: Thank you for today captain
Nirbhay tells disha to take care of her ...
Nirbhay leaves dorm room
Disha: what an achievement!!!!🤭
Ayushi: Do not laugh!! Okay?
Disha : tell me what happened between you two ... Umm hu??🤭🤭🤭

Ayushi: lights went off in the lift we both were together at that time
I was unconscious ...

He carried me to the clinic
He was there with me even when I was getting injection
Not bad i think
Disha : what a progress u guys have made 🤭🤭🤭
Ayushi: Go let me sleep 🫠
Ayushi covers herself with blanket 🫣
Next Morning...
Nirbhay pov :
Neetu calls Nirbhay
Nirbhay: amy will come to the academy
She is going to be air hostess
Take her around and show necessary forms and application...
Nirbhay: is it necessary?
Neetu: yes son! She is new in Delhi
U have to take care of her..
Disha and ayushi going back for graduation ceremony...
Saw Nirbhay with one pretty little girl around
They met in the hallway
Nirbhay: They are pilots in the accademy Ayushi and Disha
Ayushi: 🤨🧐 ( was literally giving eye looks to both 👀 )
Nirbhay saw that and introduced her
She is my mom's friends daughter
just like my little sister '
She will be Traning for cabin crew when next session starts
Ayushi: ohh !!!
Amy : hello! Ayushi di , Disha di
Ayushi: smiles ☺️ ( 💭 who is your sister ? 😑 We r probably same age )
Elevator dings!!
Door opens..
Everyone goes inside
Elevator goes down!
Disha: will the elevator stuck again..?

Nirbhay and ayushi: both looks at disha ? 🤨🧐
Disha : No I m just telling u both were stuck here yesterday...😏
Elevator stops ....
Everyone: 😑😐😶
Disha: I didn't say anything...
Ayushi was angry whole day....

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