ferry flight...

1 0 0

Team 1 was assigned to Mumbai base
Team 2 was assigned to Ahmedabad base
Team 3 was assigned to Kolkata base
Team 2 has landed first ...
Team 1 has landed now
Everyone is waiting for team 3 to land
Samay: why they r taking long to land?
Manik: we all r waiting
Disha: I hope she is not fighting with capt. Nirbhay
Naren: I m worried about them
Rest : why?
Naren: weather conditions in Kolkata is affected by Thunderclouds , hailstorm, and raining heavily
Rest : o no ! I hope they r safe
On air :
Nirbhay: what now ! U wanted to fly?
Ayushi: 🥺
Nirbhay: trust the instruments in cockpit
Look at the monitor
Most importantly trust yourself
Ayushi: yes sir
Ayushi looks in the monitor low fuel
Ayushi: left fuel tank is leaking 😰
Nirbhay: switch to the right fuel tank
Ayushi switches to the right fuel tank
Amount is not sufficient for us to return back to Delhi
Nirbhay: listen to me let's return to Kolkata
Ayushi: Returning means we are not going to pass the ferry flight test
U r not going to become instructor without signature
Nirbhay: what's more important? Flight or safety?
Aviation academy
New Delhi
Both the instructor rushes to the control tower
Instructor: what is the condition now
Contol tower: we lost control of the aircraft
But according to radar they are probably flying back
Instructor 2 : They r going back? R they facing any other difficulty?
Instructor 1 : with capt. Nirbhay there in flight I dont think there will be any problem
Even if there is he can manage
Nirbhay: even if you go back we will run out of oil
Ayushi: Do you want to bet on it
Nirbhay: Give me the map
Ayushi: hands over iPad
Ayushi pulls on the throttle lever
Everyone waiting for them in academy
Samay: Hope u lands safely ayushi
Disha: could you please keep quite
Samay: how do I keep quite! Do u have any solution
Disha: just believe in ayushi
She has worked hard for this moment
A flight 🛫 becomes visible
Everyone: they made it claps everyone 👏
Instructor 2 : r u relieved now ?😌
Instructor 1 : when have you seen me worried? 😎
Instructor 2 : who believes in your nonsense 😂
Aircraft lands safely ....
All the students gathered in the ground
Instructor 1 :
Everyone did exceptional in this ferry flight
Especially ayushi
In any case safety comes prior to personal grievances
U did well
And for captain Nirbhay
Besides giving upon your flight test
U also suggested to go back
You landed the plane when there was not much oil
Helping both others and yourself
So Cessna 172 would not have come back without you both
Instructor 1: Ayushi come forward
U did well
Manages well keeping aside your personal grudge.
. communication is great quality of a pilot beside having exceptional skills
According to assesment of all the instructors
Ayushi gets fulls marks in ferry flight test
With these results u get top scores in this class
And top scoring student gets special scholarship 😁...
Ayushi: thank you instructor 😺😸😹
Everyone claps for her
Instructor 1 : Now i m going to announce that all of you have passed the ferry flight test
From now on u don't have to small planes
You all will fly big planes from now on
Today you get your CPL ( commercial pilot licence)
Congratulations all !!👏👏👏
Everyone congratulate each other
Instructor goes to captain Nirbhay
Instructor: you will be an instructor from now on
You must be tired
Instructor pats on captain. NIRBHAY
Nirbhay: thank you
Capt. Nirbhay walks away.....

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