Back to academy

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Leela palace
Mishka : what the hell u did yesterday?😤🤬
Ayushi: 😩😣😖 sorry Misha dii
Mishka: Do u know u huged a stranger from behind ?
Telling him u will take him home!!!!
Mishka: Do u know this was an harrassment? U were harrassing a guy?!!!
AYUSHI: 🙈🤧😩😣😖
AYUSHI: sorry 😔
Mishka: Do not do this again 😡 I m last time warning you!!!
Get it?
Ayushi: sprints out (💭 if i stay here my sister will go crazy 😩😣😖)
Comes out from the penthouse suit
Elevator dings!!!
Aniket comes out from the elevator
Aniket: calm down little lady 🤗
Ayushi : whatever 🤨
Aniket: ( 💭I have seen her somewhere can't recall)
He can't seem to recall this little lady was the one to hug his cold hearted brother 🙊🙊🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ayushi reached Home
Phone rings :
Sitara: shiyu pick up the call
Ayushi: didiya no !! Don't mom is there
Sitara: u have to face her !
Picks up the call
Reeva : what the hell u did?
Ayushi: ma don't be angry!🤗
I can fly planes now
Fly planes now!!! U don't have qualifications
Do not go back to aviation school!
U r not flying anymore
Ayushi: ma ¡ My sweet mom! Please don't be angry
Don't be angry
Her dad takes the phone
Phone ( dad) : shiyuu u can't do this
U promised us u will be safe before going to aviation school
Now we don't want you to do dangerous jobs baby 🐥
Please your mom is worried about you
Listen to me come back don't go
Ayushi: angrily cuts the call,😡
Ayushi: I will do whatever I want to
I m not child anymore
Sitara: what's up? Why such long face 🙁
Phone rings:
Dad : Go back to accademy 👍 i will handle your mom🙂‍↔️
Ayushi: u r the best 👍
Doing Happy happy dance
Sitara: 🤨🧐🤔 what the hell r u doing?
U were angry now !
Now u r happy?
AYUSHI: i will be going back to academy
Packs her suitcase
AYUSHI: i will be out bye,!!!
Love you 😘
Sitara: whatever!!! 🥱I had enough drama going in my hospital 🏥
DGCA flying tranning school
New Delhi.
Goes to the dorm
Keeps her bags
Wears her uniform
Office of Instructor
Ayushi: reporting sir
Joining on duty
Class starts from tomorrow...
Ayushi calls Disha
Ayushi : where r u disha ?
Disha: sleeping come to room
Ayushi reach dorm room
Why the hell r u sleeping
Disha : sleep u also
From tomorrow there will be hard traning u can't go anywhere
Ayushi: takes everything out from her suitcase
Arranges everything in wardrobe
Changes her bedsheets and everything
Sleeps 😴 tired
Disha : wake up sleepyhead
Let's have dinner in school canteen
Ayushi: wakes up groggily
Wearing Track pants tshirts puts on a jacket 🥱 let's go

School canteen:
Samay: I was waiting for you guys to come
Disha: our princess was sleeping 😌
Let's order
Ayushi: For me
Plain rice
Aloo posto
Dal fry
Chicken salad
Fish curry
Chicken dum biryani
One fruit punch
Disha: stares at her 👀
Samay: R u sure u finish these all😲
Ayushi: Do not 🚫
My food I m not giving you
Order yours
Samay : see u guys tomorrow!!!
Stay tuned for next chapter ....

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