9 2 0

Ayushi: captain what do we do?
NIRBHAY: control IND AIR 291 , do copy

ATC: IND AIR 291 diverted to OTP airport
Descend to 10000
Contact tower 112
Emergency services are all stand by
Good luck
NIRBHAY: IND AIR 291 , copy that
Descend to 10000
Contacting 112
Good day.
Landing gear down

Ayushi: preparing to land
NIRBHAY: prepare for impact
Cabin crew: preparing for landing
Fasten your seatbelt
Cover your head
Out captain has confidence we can land safely.
NIRBHAY: Throttle lever off!
Flight lands safety!
Ayushi: thank God! We landed!

NIRBHAY: u should thank me😎
Sound of ambulance and fire turk approaching.
Cabin crew opens the door!
Passengers 👏 👏 👏

Ayushi: 👍
NIRBHAY: finally 😎
. .
They take out injured crew members and captain

" Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be a ray of sunshine " 😊

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