way back home

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Morning 6
Ayushi: guys r u ready,!!!
Samay: yess!
Disha : yess!
Aushi,: let's go,!!!
Ayush goes to help desk .
Ayushi: мы будзем ляцець сёння ўчора мы прыляцелі IND Air ,( we came yesterday by IND AIR we are supposed to fly today )
Help desk: калі ласка, ідзіце ў KLM royal Dutch, дзе вы атрымаеце білеты
( Please go to KLM royal Dutch u will get your tickets)
Let's go guys we r flying with KLM royal Dutch airlines
S & D : really! Waooo😲
Boards the flight thinking about cold blooded captain who flew yesterday!!
Samay: i really wanna meet captain cool 😎 he was awesome yesterday!
Disha : I want him as an instructor

Ayushi: guys ! We r flying with KLM royal Dutch airlines .. layover at Amsterdam 🥱 i wanna go home

Boards the flight
Disha: sleep okay u are probably exhausted from this trauma!
Samay,: tell us girl how did it feel to sit in cockpit and fly!!. U probably saved world in your past life !! U got this chance!!!🤩
Ayush: yay yay 😁 captain was cool but 🥲 i messed up
What u did? ,( both samay and disha asked) .
.. . Nothing much I told him I am student pilot not to boss me around 😔
I m doomed guys!!;🥲
Disha and samay: 🙂🙃😨😰🤧
Flight landed to Amsterdam ...
Amsterdam to Mumbai
Time: 00 : 05 am (12:05 am ) midnight
Ayushi: let's run we will be late for our flight .
ground staff: passengers who are traveling to Delhi
landed from Amsterdam to Mumbai route please proceed to security checks in your baggage with be boarded by us
Three of them ran
Ayushi,: last 2 hrs of journey

Disha,: remind me not to fly to another country, no direct flights 😵😫😩
Samay: ahhh! Straight flying for 2 days !!
Ayushi: no chance guys ,! U will be pilot in future 😉
Boards the flight
Ladies and gentlemen, This is your copilot speaking
welcome onboard IND AIR 222 with service from Mumbai to Delhi. We are currently in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time.
We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off.
Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight.
Thank you for choosing IND Air .
Enjoy your flight. CABIN crew prepare for take off
Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Delhi. Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. In preparation for landing in Delhi, be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened. Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Thank you."
Cabin crew prepare for landing
. Flight lands.
. ayushi,: finally i can breath now!!
Yayy! I reached Delhi
Passengers wait at belt no 5 your luggage will be there
Samay: How will you go home? .
Disha: my brother is here in airport i will be going with him
Samay: i will go my sister is going to board the flight
Ayushi: I m jealous! U guys gave siblings in this industry one is first officer other is pursuer🤩
Samay: as if your family is not coming to pick you up
Ayushi: my second sister will be coming to pick me up. I will wait for her


NIRBHAY: ( pov)
Just landed ! It was lot of journey 😞
Phone rings : bro! I m at airport came to pick u up
NIRBHAY: 💭 what this little girl doing here? Furry cat 😺 sleeping openly 💤
Yes guys! Nirbhay has named her furry cat 😺!
NIRBHAY: could you provide me flight blanket.
. Ground staff: yes captain
Takes it places on her ( ayushi)
Phone rings: bro come on where r u
NIRBHAY: coming
Comes out from the airport gate
hugs nirbhay where were u it's 3 in morning let's go
Come home mummy 1 is going crazy please console her ! Mama and us we can't handle her
Bro r u alright? All of us r worried we heard both of engines were down! U took the control and landed safely 😁
All of us r worried except second bro: he says u flew fighter jets these are nothing..
Is this true?
NIRBHAY: hmm🙂‍↕️.
Bro not fair ! U are always flying. U did all the adventures now our family won't let me go
cause u are already out 😞
AYUSHI: (pov)
Ayushi: ( phone:)
Yes,🥱🥱 coming didu wait for me 💭 who gave me blanket... Good Samaritan 😺
Mishka : come out I m waiting outside
.ayushi: ran and hugged her! Whines,!! Didu finally i m home. U know I m exhausted
u know how worried we were about u ? Can't u even call?
We called air lines then got to know u are landing now .

. Save me didu ! Mamoni will scold me
.mishka: shiyu u deserve it !!
Ayushi: Did you tell didiya or not?
Mishka: yes,! She is waiting for you in home
. Ayushi: I m doomed 😫😩😣😖

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