Hellish Traning

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Good morning 🌞
Ayushi and Disha wakes up
Get ready for training
Everyone has a report to ground no 1
Reached ground...
Everyone was looking at aircraft which was flying...

Cessna 172
It's a 4 seater single engine aircraft ( small one)
Flight lands glides like smoothly... In runway
Captain Nirbhay comes out from the aircraft
Everyone: 😲
Impressive 😍
Never knew there was such an handsome pilot who can fly well
Ayushi feeling proud 😎 for flying along with him
Instructor: Is the flight show Good to watch?🤨
Hurry back to classroom 😦
Instructor: I hope u all can strive to be a better civil aviation pilot and survive hellish Traning here

Samay: sir when can we fly? 🛩️
Instructor: Is this a car ,? U can fly anytime u come to aviation school?😡
Instructor: u r wrong! U can't fly before u pass theoretical training
Aircraft system
Aircraft power plan
Aeronautical metrology
Aviation english
U have to memorize all 12 cources of flight training
Instructor: u were watching captain Nirbhay
He was the one flew 300 passengers from paris to Budapest single handly
He is one of our qualified pilot in our industry
Instructor: Now u will be flying Cessna 172 from now on and practice on it
Everyone has to read theory your knowledge
it should be in your mind
As u can see our top students were selected for 10 days college exchange program to Paris flight accademy

Ayushi , samay, Disha has scored well in college exchange program
Instructor: I wanted to praise Ayushi for cooperating with Captain Nirbhay
and flying with him ...
Give a big round of applause.
Instructor: without having hands on experience u cooperated well with him and flew passengers out of danger
U will be rewarded for this
Exam will be on theoretical instruction and practical flight training
Aviation regulations, Air Navigation, Aircraft systems, and Flight Manoeuvres



Being a pilot is a responsibility
We value each and every life
If u r not good enough i will kick you out
I don't care what background u have

Test will be there in 3 days ... Be prepared everyone
After this rest u can apply for
Student Pilot License,
Commercial Pilot License,
and Private Pilot License.

Class dismissed
Students go back to study
Samay: why we have to study again
Ayushi: u wanted to become a pilot now do your handwork
Work hard guys!!! ........bye

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