first' operation

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Back story ( First operation)
Sitaras pov :
Sitara asking questions to junior doctors.
Dr Sitara : what do u see?
JR1 : haemorrhage
JR 2: subdural haemorrhage
Sitara: R u sure? U can't even tell !
U guys should be ashamed
Sitara : prepare for surgery
jR 1: maam please u will get trouble!
Doc on duty said u can't perform surgery without professor.
Sitara : r u going to let patients die there?
R u heartless? Wants to stay out of trouble? No humanity left in u?
Prepare for surgery u don't have to think about me !
Jr 1 : shit! What to do?
JR 2 : did u see how she kicked those mens
She is so strong
JR 1 : If i prepare for surgery Dr Aditya will kill me
If i don't prepare Dr Sitara will definitely kill me 😖😩😣
Fow now on i will go with Dr Sitara
i want to live long don't want to die now 🤧
Goes inside operation room shaves the hair
Takes a scalpel marks the area and cuts along the margin
Opens the skull ( decompression surgery)
Takes the haemorrhage ( blood out from the skull
Jr 1: Maam u r so fast
Dr Aditya calls ,
Jr 1 looks at Sitara
Sitara: u can go I can manage
Irrigates the cranial area
Takes out bood by suction.
Sutures 🪡 it fastly
Operation done by 30 mins
Done with the operation
Walks out of the operation room
Mafia members were waiting outside
Dr Sitara: surgery went well!
He will be shifted to ICU
ICU restricts visitors
Any questions?
Mafia man: R u married?
Dr Sitara: i don't answer any questions which is not related to my work
Thank you

Jr 1 : maam Dr Aditya wants you to wait for him untill he finishes his surgery
Dr Sitara: tell him i will meet him in the morning
Jr 1 : he hates when people don't listen to him
Dr Sitara: i also hate to wait! 😬

Jr 2: sir i didn't do anything she shaved hair of the patient herself
Dr Aditya: R u mocking me,?
Do u know why she did it ?
She doesn't trust any of u
She is a typical neurosurgery psyco
Tell her to wait
Walks in opereting room
Jr 1 : Dr Aditya doesn't listen
Dr Sitara also doesn't listen
Jr 1 : why my life has become miserable
There will be a warr! They don't like eachother 😤 one Dr Aditya was not enough!!!
We got one more like him Dr sitara
3 hrs later
Dr Aditya comes out of the operating room
Takes out his phone
Dr Sitara had messaged him i m going home i will meet you sir tomorrow
Dr Aditya: Doesn't have basic manners
Dr Aditya message Dr Sitara run over here as soon as possible
.Sitara was sipping coffee when she saw the message
Pulls her shirt and jeans and runs
Reached Dr Adityas cabin
Sir u wanted to meet
Dr Aditya: I told you to wait
Still u went? Is this your way of insulting me?
Dr Sitara: sir I texted u i will be meeting you in morning
I didn't mean that
Sorry sir
Dr Aditya: u r even apologizing now,?why did you performed emergency surgery?
Dr Sitara: i couldn't wait if u see the records
Dr Aditya : whatever you wanted to do got u famous? R u happy? Not because u wanted to show-off,!
( Sarcastic 🙄)
Dr Aditya,: i hate people who showoff
Let's find out in conference u had time to wait or u just wanted to show off
Dr Aditya,: if u wanted to show off then u have to take responsibility
Dr Sitara: if i m right then u have to apologise! I m not under u currently
U can't criticise me

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