4) Dream or Memory

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"Lola." A tall blonde woman, with her hair scraped back in to a bun was staring down at a young girl, no older than 11, it was Lola. "Come on, I want you to meet some people."

The tall woman didn't wait for a response, and just walked off leading the young girl down the twists and turns of the white hallways, until they reached a room. A door that looked the same as the rest, the only difference was the amount of locks on it.

Lola never liked locks, she hated the idea of being trapped. The tall woman unlocked all of them, and opened the door.

"Ok Lola, go in there and talk to them." The blonde woman said and pushed Lola in the room.

She heard the woman locking the door again after she was in there. There were 5 boys in the room, all staring at her with confused faces.

"Who are you?" A blonde boy with a very noticeable accent asked the girl.
"I'm Lola." She said sheepishly.

A tall brunette boy stood up and went to greet her, he held out his hand for her to shake, "I'm Thomas." He had the sweetest smile on his face, Lola gladly took his hand, it was warm and it felt safe just holding his hand for a few seconds.


'Lola, Lola wake up." That same voice, Thomas.
Lola opened her eyes, her head was throbbing, she was still laid on the grass, but her head was lifted up a bit on someone's lap with their hands on one of her cheeks. She saw Thomas' face hovering over her's, his expression plastered with worry.

"Hey, are you alright?" He said sweetly, not breaking the eye contact they had.

There were other boys huddling around, only a few, Newt, Minho, Alby, Gally, and ofcourse, Thomas.

Lola let out a groan, then she realised her head was on Thomas' lap. She felt her face heat up and she shot up, but when she did she felt very dizzy.

"Hey, careful idiot." Minho said putting a hand on her shoulder, which she instantly pushed off.

"I'm fine, I just need a bit of water." Lola rolled her eyes at how worried everyone looked. All she could think about was that dream that she had had, or was it a memory. Whatever it was, it answered her question of where she had heard the name Thomas before.

Newt left for a few minutes, then came back with a glass of water.
"Here, drink this." He said while handing the glass to Lola who was still sat on the ground.

"Thanks Newt." She chugged the water in seconds, before getting up and wiping the pieces of grass off of her cargo pants.

Thomas couldn't keep his eyes off of her, he was worried that she would faint again, but he kept thinking about how he had her face in his hands just moments before.

"Thomas, are you going to faint too? You're face is all red." Alby said to Thomas.

It was true, Lola turned to look at Thomas and his face was quite red, they caught eye contact for a moment before Thomas exclaimed "I'm fine, I'm fine, Lola are you ok now?"

"I'm fine, thanks." She kept looking in his soft brown eyes for a few more seconds before an ear deafening shriek was heard.

Thomas jumped a little, not knowing what the terrifying noise was, "What was that?" He muttered.

"That, my friend, was a griever." Gally said before walking off.

"Alright everybody, let's tuck in for the night." Alby shouted.

Lola started getting up and Thomas was instantly at her side helping her up by the arm. "Im fine Tom, I can get up by myself."

There it was again, the butterflies in his stomach when she called him Tom, this time she realised she had said it, her face turned a pinky colour "Oh sorry, Thomas." She quickly said after realising his cheeks blush.

"It's fine don't worry." He aaid back turning his face away so she wouldn't notice him blushing. She did the same.

"I'm off to bed now, night everybody." And with that Lola walked off to her hut next to the woods. She had a hut built for her since she was the only girl in the glade. Alby had said he would feel better if she didn't sleep where all the boys slept, and she happily agreed.

"Night Lolo." Minho waved her off.
"Night." Newt said.
"Goodnight Lola." Thomas whispered while he watched her walk off to her hut sorting her shining blonde hair out as she went.


She was laughing with them all, playing monopoly. She was sat next to Thomas, he was her favourite. The others in the circle she had found out were called Newt, the one with the accent, Alby, the dark skinned, quiet one, Minho, the Asian one who seemed to be in good shape, and Gally, the one with really funny eyebrows, when Lola had first seen him she couldn't stop laughing at him.

"How has she gotten a hotel on Mayfair?" Gally exclaimed, upset that he had to pay her loads for landing on her property.

"I'm just awesome at this game." She laughed.

They were playing for ages until they heard the locks on the door unlock, the same blonde woman came in, she looked at all of the boys then at Lola. "Come on Lola, time to go back to your room." She said while not paying anymore attention to the other boys who were sat in there.

"We haven't finished our game yet." Lola replies quietly.

"I don't care, come on."

Lola looked at Thomas who had a sad look on his face, they caught eye contact for a little while, until Lola stood up and slowly walked to the door where the blonde woman stood.

"Thanks for letting me play with you guys." She smiled at them all. "Mum can I play with them again tomorrow?" She asked pleadingly.

"We'll see."

And with that the two blondes walked out of the room, the tall blonde locked the door, but just before she did Lola heard Thomas say "Bye Lola."

Lola smiled at the thought of her new friends, she was so happy she was finally able to talk to other kids, her mum kept her in her room quite often. She had said that the other kids were always busy. Lola and her mum walked off, back down the twists and turns of the hallways.


Word count- 1093

A/N- Let's ignore how much Thomas likes to watch Lola walk away, but yeah, chapter 4 out, that's been 2 chapters each day so far, hopefully I'll be able to keep it up. I hope you're enjoying it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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