2) Curious Greenie

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The greenie was put in the slammer because Alby was worried that he would try and run away again. Alby went to let the greenie out of the slammer, when he got there the brunette jumped back, not expecting someone to come back so soon. "Where am I?" He asked sternly.
"This is the glade, can you tell me anything you remember, anything at all. Your name, the people who sent you up here?" Alby says with a sweet smile on his face.
"I-I can't remember anything, why can't I remember anything!" The brunette started hyperventilating and freaking out.
"Hey, hey relax, it happens to us all, your name will come back to you in a few days, that's the one thing they let us keep." Alby opens the slammer door and puts a reassuring hand on the greenie's shoulder.

Alby is walking round the glade with the greenie, showing him what and where everything is in the glade. Alby is explaining it all to the greenie, purposely leaving out the maze and the griever parts. The brunette kept asking questions that Alby had trouble answering, so he led him to the look out tower, which was built by Gally, Lola and Newt when they first came up.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights greenie." Alby jokes, as he climbs up the tower.
The brunette doesn't say anything and just follows Alby up the tower.
"We have three rules greenie, 1, do your part, ain't got no time for freeloaders, 2, never harm another glader, none of this works unless we have trust, and 3, never go through those doors" Alby points towards the large opening in the wall which the greenie was sprinting for earlier. The brunette nods and asks "who was that girl, from earlier?"
"Oh, her, that was Lola, don't try anything with her, she's off limits, it's not a rule or anything, she just always rejects anyone who tries anything, she's very closed off, only friends with a few people." Alby says smirking.
The brunette just stares at where Lola was now sat, which was on that same patch of grass with all the flowers. Alby notices him staring and decides it would be a great time to tell the newbie the story of Lola in her first week.


"She really broke his nose?" The newbie asks surprised but then also not as surprised as he thought he should have been.
"Yep, didn't even have a scratch on her knuckles, I would know I saw it happen." Alby laughs.

A little while later, Chuck yells up at Alby on the tower, holding all of the greenie's stuff.
"Hey Alby!" Chuck shouts.
"Hey man." Alby replies looking over the edge of the tower. Chuck waves up at them both.


"You're already doing better than I did when I came up, I klunked my pants 3 times before they got me out of the pit." Chuck jokes trying to lighten the mood, because of the awkwardness between him and the newbie. Chuck looks up from tying the greenie's hammock up, and noticed that he has walked off. Chuck had to run to catch up with him because he is a lot shorter and not as in shape as the greenie.
"Hey where are you going?" Chuck asks hitting him on the arm.
"I'm just going to have a look." The newbie states, walking past Chuck.
"You can look all you want but you better not go in there."
"Why not?"
"I don't know, I just know what I'm told, that we are not allowed to leave."
Just then two boys came running out of the maze, an Asian who had very noticeable muscles, and a tall blonde boy who looked exhausted. "Hey Chuck, New greenie huh?" One of them says. "How does it feel to be promoted?" The blonde one asks Chuck as they both jog past.
"Feels great Ben." Chuck says while putting a thumbs up and smiling at them.
"I thought you said no one is allowed to leave." The brunette tells Chuck a bit annoyed that they are allowed to leave but he isn't.
"I said we're not allowed to leave, they're different, they're runners, they know more about the maze then anyone."
"What, maze?" The greenie asks looking at Chuck with disbelief in his eyes.

Lola walks up, wanting to talk to Chuck when she hears him tell the newbie about the maze. "Ha ha, what are you talking about Chuck." She fake laughs and puts a hand over Chuck's mouth. She then turns to look at the greenie.
"Is it really a maze out there?" The brunette asks the blonde.
"I need to talk to Chuck, go find Newt." She replies coldly, and walks off, dragging Chuck with her while telling him off a little because he told the greenie about the maze.


A little later the newbie finds Lola sat on the patch of grass, where he saw her sitting from the tower. He walks up to her to ask her a few questions about the glade because no one else would tell him anything.

Lola was messing with the flowers and trying to think why the new guy looks so familiar to her, when she notices someone stood next to her, his shadow looming over her and the flowers.
"You're blocking the sun." She says in an annoyed tone.
"Oh, sorry, do you mind if I sit here?" The brunette asks.
He sits down anyway.
"These flowers are pretty, what are they?"
"I don't know."
"Why are you not sat with anyone else?"
"Because I don't want to."
The new guy could tell that she didn't want him there, but he needed to know more about this weird place he was in and why he couldn't remember anything.
Lola was starting to get annoyed now, she didn't want him to talk to her, let alone sit with her in her spot.

"Can you tell me more about the glade and the maze?" He asks.
"No." She replies.
He continued with asking questions about where they were and how they got there. It seemed like an eternity to Lola, she was sighing loads to try and give him the hint to go away, but he wasn't getting it.

Lola zoned out while he was talking, completely ignoring what he was asking. Until she felt a surprisingly warm hand on her shoulder. Lola instantly turned to face him, and smacked his hand away, then she got up and said "Leave me alone, if you want answers ask someone who isn't me." And then she walked away annoyed that she couldn't even sit in her spot without being interrupted.

This greenie is way more curious then any of the others were, Lola thought to herself as she walked off, it's so annoying. Lola went and found Newt.
"He doesn't stop asking bloody questions." She huffs as she sits down next to Newt.
"Reminds me of you when you came up in the box." Newt laughed, while looking over to where the greenie was still sat.
"I wasn't that annoying."
"Yes you were."
"No I wasn't."
"Yes you was."
"Whatever, I'm going, I came here to blow off steam, you're not helping." She rolls her eyes and walks away while Newt was laughing.
"Ok, glad I could help." Newt laughs as she walks off, "Don't forget to come to the bonfire tonight."


Word count- 1240

A/N- Sorry for the long chapter, but number 2 is out now! Let me know any suggestions you might have!

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