1) Another greenie.

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Lola was doing her daily jog around the glade, but she made sure to avoid where the slicers were working. That was disgusting. Lola loved keeping in shape, since she is a runner that makes it a lot easier to keep in shape. Today she had a day off though, Minho was still running the maze, he said something about not believing in days off. Minho was Lola's best friend, when she came up in the box with him, they instantly clicked.

After finishing her run, she went to meet chuck at their hang out spot in the woods, a tree house in the tallest tree. She climbed up the ladders and waited there for Chuck. It was only a small tree house, it didn't have any furniture, which annoyed Lola, she had spent an entire day trying to pursuade Gally into letting her take a chair from the homestead, he said no.

After about 15 minutes, Chuck came up the ladders. Lola had zoned out after waiting for a little while, so when Chuck entered she jumped out of her skin.
"Chuck, oh my god, what took you so long, I've been waiting for hours." Lola said, exaggerating how long she had been waiting.
"Sorry, one of the animals was sick, and obviously since I'm a slopper, they made me clean it up." Chuck rolled his eyes, this made Lola feel a bit bad, because all the boys pushed Chuck around since he was the youngest. Lola had always had a liking to Chuck, he, Minho and Newt were the only guys Lola would really talk to in the glade. She didn't like socialising as much as the boys did.

Lola was the only girl in the glade, but she didn't mind because she made it very obvious what would happen if any of the guys tried anything. Just the first week Lola had come up in the box, she had broken this boy's nose because he tried to hold her hand. Lola enjoyed spending time on her own, not because she liked being alone, just because she liked having time to think.

Lola and Chuck were sat in the tree house for only an hour, they normally spend hours up there, but since it was the day that the greenie was supposed to be coming up, they had to cut it short.
"Alright, come on Chuck, you have to be down there so you can show the new greenie around." Lola stated standing up and opening the hatch which led to the ladders.
"Are you actually going to be nice to him this time?" Chuck asked because he had heard the rumours of Lola never interacting with the greenies unless they pissed her off. Although, of course, Chuck was an exception.
"If he doesn't piss me off, then maybe."
Chuck sighed then climbed down the ladders, with Lola following him. Once they got out of the woods, Chuck went to sort out the new greenie's stuff, and Lola went to find Newt.

"Newt, is the new greenie here yet?" Lola asked the blonde boy sorting out the plants.
"Not yet, I think the creators are running late." Newt said sarcastically.
"Well, Chuck has gone to get his stuff ready for him."
"Alright, thanks Lola."
Lola nodded and walked off.

After a while, the box alarm rang through the glade. Lola was sat in a little patch of green grass with colourful flowers dotted around. She loved sitting there, she loved flowers so much, they reminded her that there was more of them out of the maze.


"Day one greenie, rise and shine."
A brown haired boy was pulled out of the box and thrown on the ground. All of the boys surrounded him, laughing at him squirming around on the ground trying to find his balance. Once he did, he pushed past all of the boys and sprinted away. Lola saw him start sprinting to the large opening which led to the maze. He's actually kind of fast, he might make it to the doors. Lola thought, she instantly got up and ran to the boy who was quickly making his way to the maze doors.

Lola ran as fast as she could, this boy was like a track star. Once she was about half a metre away from him, he tripped over, taking her down with him. Lola opened her eyes and she was layed on her back with the boy on top of her.

The brunette looked at her, admiring her bright, dark blue eyes that looked like the midnight sky, her gorgeous, flowing, blonde hair. Wow, who is she? The boy thought. Lola looked straight back at the brunette, he had brown eyes, moles scattered around his face, and he had a gorgeous nose that was slightly up turned. Wait, why does this boy seem so familiar? She thought. Lola found herself admiring this boy for a little bit too long.
"You can get off of me now." Lola scoffed.
"Right, sorry." The brunette was a bit taken aback by her sudden coldness, although he was on top of her after knocking her over, so he kind of got it.

He got up off of the ground and extended a hand for the blonde to take, Lola completely ignored this and got up by herself. She wasn't going to be friends with this greenie. A bit offended, he let his hand fall back to his side and asked "Where am I?"
"Ask Alby." She responded with and walked off.
The boy watched as she walked off, admiring the way she looked so effortlessly beautiful as she walked. I've only just met this girl, why does she look so familiar? He thought.

What the hell, why couldn't he just look where he was going? Lola thought to herself, while examing the small cut on her arm which was now bleeding. She cleaned it up a bit and put a bandage on it, annoyed that she even had to speak to the new greenie.


Word count- 1050

A/N - Hey, this is my first story that I'm writing I'm going to try and update as much as I can, I hope you guys enjoyed it, let me know if you have any suggestions on what I should write.

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