3) The bonfire

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(Long chapter)

Lola had waited for the greenie to leave her spot so she could go back to it, she hated sitting anywhere else. He left quite quickly, although he looked deep in thought when Lola was watching him, not in a stalker way. Lola was wondering what he was thinking about but she pushed it to the back of her mind. Why am I bothered about him, I don't know him, and I certainly don't like him, she thought.

After he left her spot, she ran like there was no tomorrow back to sit down in her spot. She felt so much better now that she was sat with the flowers. The newbie walked off, not noticing that Lola had reclaimed her spot on the grass. As he was walking off he couldn't help but keep thinking of her, he didn't know why she stayed in his head.

Lola's pov:

I sat down back in my spot after he finally left, it took him forever. I watched him walk away, he's actually quite fit, he's in good shape and he is a little bit handso- nope, no he's not why am I thinking this. I'll just sit here and wait for the bonfire I guess.

I've never really liked the bonfires, it's just everyone talking to each other and celebrating the new greenie being there. I don't really get why we celebrate it, they never really enjoy the bonfires anyway because they can't remember anything. The only part I like about the bonfires is the drinks, Gally has a secret recipe for them but I know that it contains alcohol, and I'm not an awesome drinker. Had to learn that the hard way, the first time Gally made the drinks he let me try it first, and he gave me a whole jar of it and he had made it way to strong, but ofcourse I drank it all and I was off the rails all night.

Gally doesn't seem to like the greenie either, but Chuck seems to have taken a liking to him. And the greenie seems to treat Chuck well, and not push him around like the rest if the boys. I hate it when they do that, he's only a young kid, 12 maybe 13, and they think that they can push him around.

3rd person pov:

The greenie was walking towards the maze doors again. He looked through them, a long corridor with ivy vines as thick as rope hanging down the giant walls, small stones strewn about on the floor at the entrance.

Just as he was about to take another step, he was thrown off his feet and he landed on his back on the floor. The same guy that pulled him out of the box was stood above him.
"We've gotta stop meeting like this greenie." Gally said with his eyebrows much higher than normal.
"Get the hell off of me!" The greenie huffed and scrambled to stand back up.
"Hey, calm, calm"

Lola ran over with a few other guys after seeing the commotion. "What's going on?" Newt asked.
The newbie was stood in front of the doors now, he was visibly angry. Alby had his hands up to try and calm the brunette down. "Why won't you let me leave!" The brunette yelled.
"We can't let you." Alby said in a calm tone in an attempt to calm him down.
"Why not!"
Lola stepped in "It's for your own good."

Just then a huge gust of wind blew through the doors, and a loud creeking sound was heard. The brunette turned around, he put his hand up to shield his eyes from all of the dust that was being blown through the door. Everyone stayed quiet while the doors closed, when they did finish closing, everyone walked off, starting with Gally, he pushed past the brunette and huffed "Next time, I'm gonna let you leave?"

Everyone had left except from Lola and the greenie. Lola felt a bit bad for the greenie, she was just as curious and angry when she came up. She walked over to the greenie who was still stood, mouth open, looking up at the giant doors.

"Hey," Lola hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder. He spun round and looked her in her gorgeous blue eyes, Lola looked him in his eyes as well, she noticed they were slightly glossed over. She felt really sorry for him, the way Gally treated him wasn't right, yeah she didn't like him, but she wouldn't humiliate him like that on his first day.

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