8: Lou's PoV

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For a few awkward minutes, we walk in complete silence. 

Summer looks deep in thought, and I can't help but wonder what she is thinking about. We've only stayed together for a year, and before that, we went to elementary school with each other, although we weren't friends then. Despite that, there are still billions of things I don't know about her. I don't even know how she ended up on the streets- every time I ask, she changes the subject or ignores me completely.

Sebastian is walking carelessly, a smile on his face. There are so many unanswered questions to that guy. How did he find us? How did he know where we were? What if this is all a trap? What if he is pulling a mega prank on us? There is no way of telling. And why does he seem so cheerful about everything? And if we are demigods, is he one as well? Or some other creature?

Honestly. One of these days I am going to go insane with the questions in my life. And don't even let me get started on those dratted shower thoughts.

After a while, Sebastian breaks the deafening silence. "Oh and, by the way, call me Seb. Sebastian is a bit of a mouthful."

Summer nods appreciatively. "You can say that again."

I suddenly think of something. "Wait, how are we going to get there? Are we going to walk the entire way? Because that might take a while."

Seb thinks this over. "I'm not sure. If we find a way to ge anther form of transport, we'll take it. But for now, we're going old-school."

I shrug. "Fine by me. By the way, you said we're demigods, so are you one too?"

He shakes his head. "Jeez. You two and the questions. Anyway, no I'm not- I'm a satyr."

A smile tugs at the corner of Summer's mouth. "So you're half-goat?"

Seb looks at her with a mock-serious face. "Yup. And you're half-god."


In the corner of my eye, I see a clump of pebbles on the side of the pavement. Quickly, I run over and collect as many as will fit into my pocket, weighing them for their strength as I go. If any more monsters come for us, then it is probably a good idea to collect some sort of weapon, even if that weapon is throwing stones. Two seconds later, Summer is next to me, collecting them too.

When we are done, I straighten and look at Seb, who has appeared behind us. "Weapon." I inform him, and he nods in understanding.

"Thank the gods. I thought you two really were loopy."

Summer shrugs. "Well, I'm probably closer to being sane than he is."

Being the mature and manly person I am, I stick my tongue out at her, and she smiles in return, her eyes glinting mischievously. Seb simply shakes his head and smiles, and for a few blissful moments I forget about everything and just enjoy the moment like a normal twelve-year-old. But of course, no good thing ever lasts.

After another ten minutes of walking, Seb turns to us. "Do you two know any places we can catch a bus?"

Summer thinks for a moment. "There's one a few streets away. Not far, and not too busy on thse kind of days either. The only thing we'll have to worry about is nosy drivers."

Oh. I know exactly what she is talking about. Almost every time (then again, every is not many) we use the bus, the driver asks us a billion questions, probably because we're alone, and he probably thinks we steal the money that we use to pay. Although he never believes us,  we don't- we earn it through small jobs and stuff like that around the town.

Seb shrugs and nods. "That doesn't matter. I expect you'll lead?"

"Yup." is all she says, and begins to walk towards the direction of the bus stop. We follow her, and I have a small feeling shs's enjoying being in command, even if it's only to a bus stop.

When we get there, it is completely empty. Both Seb and Summer exhale in relief- Summer because she hates busy spaces, and Seb because more people means more questions. As for me, I couldn't care less.

Summer glances at the timetable, then at her watch. "The next bus is in thirteen minutes and fifty-three seconds."

Seb gapes. "You barely even looked at it! What are you on about?"

I smile. "Summer's genuinely the fastest reader I've ever seen. And she's amazing at math."

Summer glares at me and blushes slightly. I know I sound mean, but it's so fun making her angry. Sometimes, I'll pretend to drop one of her things, just to hear her start cursing at me like a madwoman. Okay now I sound like a wierdo. 

Too bad.

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