1: Summer's PoV

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"Get a move on, Summer! You've spent ages looking!"

I roll my eyes. Lou is always so impatient. Right now, we (well, mostly me) are peering through our special spy-hole, where two police officers are sitting on a bench, taking notes and talking, not knowing that they are being watched by two twelve-year-olds who are about to cause chaos.

Big time.

"Give me a moment- I want to see what they're writing."

Lou waits for a record of forty seconds before whisper-shouting, "My turn! Budge over."

I do so, giving him room to look. While he does so, he mucks about, acting like a detective and stroking his chin thoughtfully. I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Since when did you become Sherlock Holmes?"

"Since when did you not become Sherlock Holmes?" he retorts back.

I ignore him, but smile. This is one of our common jokes. While he stares at the policemen, I look around in case anyone is watching. Thankfully, it is a busy day today- people are too pre-occupied with their own things to pay attention to us, which would make things easier.

I glance at a dog on a leash and grin. "Ooh, German Shepherd!"

He scoffs. "What's up with you and dogs? Cats are way better."

"No they're not!"

"Yes they are!"

"No they're not!"

"Yes they are!"

"I give up." I say, knowing that he won't back down until I agree. Suddenly, one of the policemen look in our direction, and notices us. He jumps up in alarm and gestures to his colleague.

We both run out of the narrow space where the spy-hole is. "Come on!" I shout and we both run as fast as our feet can take us, away from the policemen who are now trying to catch up. 

After a while, we veer into a dark alleyway, and take a moment to catch our breath. Lou looks around the corner.

"Do you think we've lost them?"

"Probably." I wheeze. My asthma always acts up when I do long-distance running or sprinting. Archery's more my thing.

We've been living (if you can call it that) and running from people together for a year now, so Lou knows to wait and let me regain my breath. When I can breathe properly again, I straighten and look at him.

"Why were they even coming after us? It's not like they recognise us or anything..."

"Well, think: how many kids like us are there here? They probably just want to see who we are."

I smirk. "Yeah, like we're going to just present ourselves to them."

"I wonder what they would say if we did. Like, "Hi! Come take us! Buy one, get one free!"'

I try not to laugh. "Don't you dare make me laugh. I'm trying to breathe here."

Lou crosses his arms. "Hmm. So I made you laugh, no?"

I out my head in my hands. "Stop. Please."

He mock-pouts. "Fine."

I check to make sure they aren't still following us and step outside the alleyway, and lean against a wall. Lou joins me and puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Nice day." is all he says, an odd look on his face.

"Yeah. What's up? You look off."

He shrugs. "It's.... us." he shows me his hand, which is surrounded by an orange-ish glow. "This."

I soften. That is the wierd thing about us. Niether of us can explain it, but for some odd reason, we both have some sort of powers. I can manipulate and summon light and can do freaky stuff with poetry and music (like forcing people to do things with certain songs) and Lou can summon and maniplulate fire as well as being crazy good and fixing things.

"We'll figure it out. Somehow. Hopefully."

For a few minutes we just stand there, enjoying the atmosphere. I can't help but feel warm and content, even though we are two kids living on the streets with no way of fixing our lives. A few passers-by give us odd looks, but most ignore us- they are used to seeing us here, and know that we're not going to move.

Lou looks a me abruptly. "Hey, Summer, do remember that girl we used to know?"

I raise my eyebrows at him. "We've known, like, a billion girls. Elaborate."

He pauses. "When we were younger. At school. Her name was..." he thinks for a moment. "Marina?"

Realisation dawns on me. "Ohhh. I remember her. We used to be friends. Why?"

He looks uncertain. "I- I had a dream. About her."

I smile. "Aww- you dreamt of Marina? Adorable."

He frowns. "No. It's not like that. It was a different one- it felt like a memory. A vision, even."

This catches my interest, and I nod slowly. "What was it about?"

"I can't remember it that well, but it was in some sort of maze, and she was running from.. from... something wierd."

"What was it?" I probe.

"It looked like a dragon-lady of some sort. It looked horrible. Marine was running, but she looked injured- her leg was battered. She was wearing some sort of armour as well."

I take this all in quickly. "Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?"

He nodded. "I'm 100 percent sure. It was way too real to be fake. So what are we going to do about it?"

I give him a determined look. "We're going to find Marina."

"And then?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐥𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐬Where stories live. Discover now