5: Lou's PoV

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The boy looks us up and down, a small smile forming on his face. "Well, that was easier than I thought!" he chuckles to himself.

Summer steps backwards, and I can tell she is secretly looking for an escape route in case something bad happens. "Why do you want us?"

I look at the boy. "Better yet: who are you?"

The boy laughs nervously- a goat-like, braying laugh. "Now that's a question I can answer! My name is Sebastian Woodcroft."

"So why do you want us? And how do you know our names?" asks Summer, always the blunt one.

They boy gestures to a bench on the far side of the street, next to the park. "How about we sit? This might take a bit of explaning to do..."

We follow him to the bench and he sits down, putting his walking stick next to him. Summer and I sit next to him, and I can tell Summer is keeping her guard up. She's always like that with new people. Ever since her parents.... it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the new boy, Sebastian, is looking uncertain. "How do I put this...?" he mumbles mostly to himself. After an awkward silence, he takes a deep breath and looks at us. "What do you two know about Greek mythology?"

What on Earth was he on about?

I shrug, trying my best to be friendly. "I don't know much, but Summer practically everything there is to know about mythology."

I try not to wince as Summer gives me her scariest wolf-glare. Sebastian doesn't seen to notice anything and smiles slightly. "That's good enough. Do you want the long story or the short one?"

Summer speaks for the first time. "Short but questions will be asked."

"Okay. It's all real. Greek mythology. And Roman. And Egyptian. And Norse. But let's focus on Greek for now." he says all in one breath, and I have a feeling this is his first time breaking the news to someone.

His words register in my head a few seconds later, and I gawp at him. "Wait... what?"

Sebastian nods slowly. "Greek gods- and monsters- are real."

For some reason, Summer doesn't seem too surprised; she just remains impassive. "Why are you telling us this? And why should we believe you?"

He smiles coyly. "Well, Summer, have you ever experienced odd feelings and circumtances? Things you can't explain?"

Summer scowls. "How did you know?"

Sebastian taps the side of his head. "They all get it. And as for why I'm telling you this, well, you are an expert, according to Lou here. Think."

Summer pauses, then her eyes go wide. "You mean we're...?" she trails off, looking shocked.

Sebastian nods. "Yup."

What are they on about? "Umm, can someone please enlighten me?"

Summer turns around to face me. "In the myths, deities went around with mortals, and soon, there were a load of demigods around Ancient Greece. Some of them are fampus: Perseus, Theseus, and lots of others. If the gods are real, chances are they're still going around with a load of mortals and having kids. I think you can figure out the rest."

I stare at her. Does she really mean what I think she means? "So you're saying... we're demigods?"

She nods. "According to this guy, yeah."

That has to be some sort of lie, or prank. Maybe in a few seconds, they will both crack up and tell me it was all a joke. But something tells me this is the truth. I decide to believe him, and by the way her expression has softened slightly, I can tell Summer believes him too.

I look at Sebastian in confusion. "Wait, so if we're demigods, who are our parents?"

He shrugs. "I dunno. Guess we'll figure that out. Hopefully."

Summer crosses her arms. "Fair enough. So, what now? I mean, now that we know the whole 'gods are real' thing?"

Sebastian smiles at us sheepishly. "That's the hard part. There's a camp for people like you-demigods, I mean, but it's kind of on the other side of the country. It could take days, maybe longer to get there, and now that you know who- well, what- you are, they will come for you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Who's they?"

Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and a thud, followed by a few twigs cracking and snapping. We turn around quickly. Behind us, there is some sort of girl with pale, vampire-like skin, fire for hair and... interesting.... legs. She is wielding a dagger and glaring at us with bared fangs. She hasn't said anything, but somehow I know she is coming for us.

Sebastian gulps. "That's they."

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