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 Y/n Pov:

After completing breakfast I quickly sat to study. I have to complete today's part cuz I have plans today. If I complete my study soon then I will have more to do what I planned.

I studied for 2 hours and I successfully completed today's part.  I went for a quick bath, changed my dress, and went down.

I saw Mr.Kim and Mom were discussing something. I walked to them. "Y/n you need something?" My mom asked me. I smiled and shook my head. "I have something to say to Mr.Kim".

He looked at me."Sure y/n.What's it?" I grabbed his hand and took him little far so that Mom couldn't hear us." Take Mom with you and keep her busy until I call you.." I whispered. He frowned."Ok I will...But why?" he whispered back which I kind of find it funny. "Cuz If she stays here then she won't let me do. So.." "What you gonna do anyways?" He looks confused. I smiled."I'm gonna do bake today... If Mom sees then she won't allow me to do it. So keep her busy or take her out." I said full of hope that he would accept.

"You can bake?" He raised his eyebrows. He thinks I can't!?? Yo man, I am an expert in it! "Of course I can. Just do me a favor!" 

"OK, I will but why you don't want her near? I mean she can help-" This Mr.Kim asks so many questions! "You can't understand it. And also I want to give her a surprise. He nodded.

"Ok." He patted my head and walked to Mom."Honey let's go to the office room. I have some files to discuss with you." 


Ahhh finally Mom is gone. Now I can peacefully bake.

I ran to the kitchen and collected the ingredients to bake and kept them on the counter. An evil laugh came out of me. Now the kitchen is mine and no one can stop me. I started arranging everything.

Author Pov:

The boys got down and gathered on the couch. Since they have no mission or work today they decided to just spend time with mom and y/n. They saw y/n in the kitchen.

"what's she doing in the kitchen? Jhope squinted his eyes. Before anyone can say anything they hear a weird laugh from you." Is she possessed?" V said while his eyes were wide. "Seems like that." Jungkook said and slowly walked towards the kitchen. One by one followed him behind. he reached near you and was about to touch your shoulder.

"Where the hell are choco chips?" Y/n mumbled and swiftly turned"WHAT THE HELL!!" she shouted and pushed jungkook. "why are you shouting?!" He asked maintaining his balance."You scared me! Why are you guys even in the kitchen?!" She kept her hands on her hips and eyed them angrily.

"Why are 'you' in the kitchen?" Jimin asked leaning on the counter. 

Y/n Pov:

"To dance" I answered with a poker face and turned to continue my work." Are you gonna cook? But you said you are bad at cooking." Jungkook asked looking at the stuff scattered on the counter. "I'm making a cake..." "You can bake? Woah!" Jin was surprised. I grinned. I like flexing my baking skills. "Yep! I learned it from carrot." 

I miss her... I miss all of them. " We will help yo-" I cut off namjoon in the middle. I don't want it. I can bet that if they help me then it will turn into disaster. "No. Go away from here." I calmly said to them. They didn't even move. I sighed. "OK, whatever. Just don't cause any trouble" I warned them and continued my work.

I was sieving the flour. But My eyes are on the boys. All are holding the ingredients and examining them like they are things from space. They look cute like curious kittens.

"This won't do like this... I will allot you some work so that we can finish soon" They nodded their head. they are quite excited I guess. 

"Jimin and taehyung oppa you two will sieve all the dry ingredients and make batter." They gave me an ok sign. "Jungkook oppa and jin oppa you two will make whipping cream." "I can't be a partner with his old huyng!" Jungkook complained."YAH! Who are you calling old!? I wi-" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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