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BTS are in currently in hongkong....they came came here for 2 things..

1.mafia dealing, dealing

jungkook, jimin and taehyung are managing mafia work..

namjoon, jin, suga and hobi are managing business work..

night time⁓

every one came to their private hotel after a long tiring day

jungkook: ahh that bustard was no fun..!

he whined removing his buttons of this shirt cuffs

jimin: yea! he cant even bare just some bullets..

he throw his head back in annoyance...

taehyung: yea.. such weak person.. these type of people are no fun!

jungkook: i want to torture someone badly..i want to hear their screams and pleading..

jimin: me too..

namjoon: calm down you blood thirst beasts!

jin: yeah we are not in korea so behave!

suga smirk

suga: just wait! after we gone back to korea we can have as much as fun we want..because we are kings of korea

every one smirked imaging the screams and pleadings and blood...

j-hope: guys dad informed us to join the video conference.

he sighed

jimin: what now!?

he said in annoyance..

jin: just come..


suga on the PC the call stared

BTS: hello dad was every thing going there?

he ignored thair greetings andasked

jin: every thing is well dad

namjoon:yea dad this time we got 80% shares which is a very good thig! good job boys..and how is our another thing going

asked pointing at makne line

taehyung: we well dad! just 2 people re left

jimin:we will catch them soon dad

jungkook: yes we already hacked their system..we just need to get them do it soon..finish them with out traces!

vminkook: ok dad!

they started talking their things..

after some time spoke i have a girl friend!

bts just nodded their head casually as it is very common for them we getting married!

bts: WTH!!!! watch your mouth ! you are talking with KIM

suga: what is this shit dad!

namjoon: seriously dad! marriage!

jin: dad having girlfriend is ok because its up to you but dad!

jimin: i think she is gold digger! eyes become dark in anger JIMIN!!!

STEP BROTHERS {mafia!?}  BTS FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant