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mrs. bae is serving food which she bought from out side...she place two plates on the kitchen island where you are already seated.. after arranging mrs. bae also came and sit beside you

mrs. bae: so how was your day? is it good?

she asks while munching her food

y/n: yea is was great.! a lot of things happened.

mrs.bae:oh is it? tell me..

you started to tell her how your day went and also about rose incident as expected mrs.bae also laughed imagining rose incident..

you both shared your talks laughing and enjoying your dinner

after having joyful lunch you placed all dishes into sink

your mom started to wash them your are sitting near sink on the kitchen counter swinging your legs listening to your mom talks

mrs.bae: honey..

you hummed in response mrs.bae took a long breath 

mrs.bae: y/n i want to tell to something important so liste-

y/n: iam listening continue

mrs.bae sighed 

mrs.bae:y/n its serious matter....

mrs.bae said in base voice so put a poker face and stiffen your body indicating your mom to continue..

mrs.bae: y/n please dont get angry and dont misunderstand. listen fully and tell me ok

you nodded as u felt something serious in her tone

mrs: y/n i have a boyfriend and we decided to marry

your breath struck in your throat  as past incidents flashed in your mind

seeing your stiffen state mrs.bae understood your condition

mrs.bae: y/n i know what are you thinking.. but he is not like that trust me please accept this y/n trust me..

past painful incidents rushed into your mind causing tears in your eyes

you gulped hard

y/n: mom are you sure cause in past-

mrs.bae : i know y/n..i know that you are still in trauma of past incidents but trust me y/n he is not like that he is a good business mam

y/n: mom but what if he also turned out to be a -

mrs.bae: i am your mom y/n ..your safety is my first priority.. how can u thin think that iam gonna repeat the same mistake again.. please y/n...

she pleaded you holding your shaking hands

y/n : but mom how can u judge a person just by spending sometime.. we dont know what he is.. 

mrs.bae: y/n: i know him very well y/n ...we are dating from past 1year..

your eyes widened 

y/n: w-what 1 year b-but you never told me

mrs,bae: i am sorry y/n, this is the reason...i know u r not gonna approve thats why i kept it secret please dont misunderstood honey

she pleaded with tearful eyes

y/n: m-mom....ok.... dont cry..i promised appa that i dont make you cry.... i-i approve your relationship.. go ahead..'

you told her with your head hung low

mrs.bae: honey liste-

y/n; do as you want mom...i am not gonna stop you.. your happiness is important to me...

STEP BROTHERS {mafia!?}  BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now