~ 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 3 ~

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Ruhi's POV:

I sat on my bed, exhausted after a day filled with endless chores. Rajmata had given me these tasks as punishment for accidentally spilling curry on one of the guests' expensive suits during dinner. I scrubbed floors, washed dishes, and tended to every corner of the palace, my mind consumed with thoughts of my past and the boy I once knew.

After freshening up, I opened the side drawer of my bedside table and pulled out a worn photograph-the only tangible reminder of a bond I treasured dearly. It was a picture of Yash and Me, taken during our carefree childhood days. His smile in the photo was as vibrant as I remembered, his eyes filled with mischief and warmth.

As I held the photograph, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. "I wondered if you still remembered our friendship or time had erased those memories. Do you still think of me? like I did of you? Maybe you had forgotten me amidst your busy life in Singapore, pursuing your dreams to become a successful CEO."

"You must have become very handsome by now," I whispered to the photograph, tracing the outline of Yash's face with my finger. "I've been waiting for years, wondering when you'll return. I remember you promised to come back after completing your studies, to fulfill your dreams. Do you still remember our friendship? Do you remember my farewell?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at the photograph, feeling the weight of distance and time. "Maybe you've forgotten, lost in your world of success," I continued softly, my voice trembling. "But I haven't forgotten, Yash. I've kept our memories alive in my heart."

I held onto the photograph tightly, seeking solace in the past, unsure of what the future held. My heart yearned for the familiar comfort of Yash's presence, a bond that had once been my anchor in this vast world. As I gazed at the photograph, a mix of hope and uncertainty filled my thoughts, wondering if destiny would reunite us once more.

After gently placing the photograph back into the drawer, I retrieved my diary-a safe haven where my deepest emotions found expression. The pages held a collection of verses, a testament to the evolution of my feelings for Yash over the years.

I flipped to a blank page and took up my pen, my heart heavy with unspoken truths. The ink flowed, weaving words into verses that spoke of a love that dared not be uttered aloud-a love that had blossomed quietly within me as I matured into adulthood.

"Yash, my heart whispers your name in silence,
A melody of longing that knows no end.
In the corridors of memory, you linger like a dream,
A cherished secret I guard within."

I paused, my pen poised above the page, the words a bittersweet confession of my unspoken affections. It had been years since Yash left for Singapore, his departure marking the beginning of a silent ache that resonated through my days and nights.

"Your smile etched in the tapestry of my soul,
A portrait of warmth that lights up my solitude.
Do you hear the echo of my unspoken words,
Carried on the winds of distant lands?"

The lines flowed effortlessly, capturing the essence of my longing-a longing that transcended the boundaries of friendship, blossoming into an unrequited love that I held close to my heart.

"As seasons change and time slips away,
I remain tethered to the promise of our past.
For in the labyrinth of life's uncertainties,
Your presence remains my guiding star."

I closed my diary, the weight of unspoken emotions lingering in the air. These verses were my silent confidants, witnesses to a love that dared not speak its name-a love that found solace in the whispers of poetry, where my heart could pour out its deepest yearnings.

𝘙𝘶𝘩𝘪- 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘜𝘯𝘳𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘦Where stories live. Discover now