Chapter 7-the full transformation

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When we got there, I saw that they had Ben hanging and Ivy in a cage. I shouted their names and trying to help them. But there was some sort of barrier up. In that moment Ethan and Eric came out. I turned around and Trix was around.

'Why are you doing this? I have done nothing to you! I berley even know you!' I shouted.
''your father killed our parents! You're going to pay! We are going to drop the barrier and you're going to fight!' Eric shouted.

They dropped it and chucked me something to put on. I was in a dress. They chucked me this cat suit thing and it was made from leather.

I walked closer to them. My eyes started to glow. I was so angry! 2 seconds later Ethan threw a punch, but I dodged it. It went to full out fighting after that. So far, it's easy to say that I am winning. But I am scared that I won't win the whole thing.

'I still don't know how this is fair! When its 2 against 1!' I said sarcastically.
'Just shut up!' Ethan swung at me.

It's been going for 30 minutes. I am getting tiered now. But I can't stop! Something has happened, I never get tiered easily. I got so weak. I threw my last knifes to get the boys attentions and then I smacked them across the face. Resulting them into falling over. With the last inch of strength I had, I managed to get to Trix and got my energy back. I am back!

All I heard was Trix yell 'Ben', I turned around. Ethan threw a knife strait at him. I got in front of him and took it. All I saw was black and my body went numb.

About 10 minutes later I felt my self-lift of the ground. When I was able to take a better look, I didn't even recognise myself. I guess this is what people feel when they are transforming. It's a feeling I can't explain. I slowly and gracefully hit the floor. I am now focusing on winning. I flew to the sky and shouted.

'you two have made my life a living hell for the past few weeks! I have tried to get away, but no! you think to get me back you go and hurt the people I love! This ends now!'

An energy burst flew around everything. It cut loose and freed everyone. The brothers fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I landed, Ivy and Trix both hugged me. And we walked over to the boys.

'Are they dead?' Trix asked.
'Yep, I think so!' I replied.
'Yet they are still ugly!' Ivy laughed.
'Agreed!' I chuckled.

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