Chapter 5- coming back

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I ran outside to calm down. I can feel my power building. I used to play my guitar when this happens. It has been 20 minutes, I decided to go back in.

When I got to my room I jumped. I saw Ivy and Trixie waiting for me. I was so confused. I heard someone coming to my room. I hid them under my bed. It was my mother.

'What is wrong with you!?' she shouted.
'Nothing is wrong with me! Its all of you guys, you don't care about me you never will!' I shouted back.
'You can't talk to me like that... to teach you a lesson I am taking your magic!' she responded.
'no- 'I got cut off.

I couldn't even finish when I felt my mum take my magic. I felt hopeless. She left and I started to tear up. Ivy and Trix came out of hiding. Ivy hugged me. I know they came for my help and now I can't! That's when Ben came to my room to get away from Nicole and saw me all upset.

He saw me and went all sad. I think he knows what happened. I don't know what I have done to deserve this! They told me to go sit down on the bed. Ivy shut the door and I just cried into Ben.

'I know you came here to ask for my help and now I can't I am so sorry!' I spoke.
'No, it's okay, you didn't know this would happen' Ivy replied.
'Hey, I know how you can get your magic back!' Trix spoke.
'How?' I asked.
'I can show you, but you have to come back!' she was happy.
'Deal!' I responded.

After I replied Ben was so adamant that he was going to come. There was nothing changing his mind. We both wrote letters and placed them on different parts of the palace. Mine on my bed and his on Nicoles. We set off!
We managed to get to the gate. I was shaking so Ben took hold of my hand. Then we stepped through. It felt good to be back.

'Hey um you can let go now; we aren't like that remember your marrying someone else!' I spoke.

He chuckled and I smiled. Oh my god, am I starting to like him! No, I can't be. He is pathetic, arrogant and the worst thing is that he is marring my sister! I cant like him and I won't I refuse! I am going to detach myself from him, maybe that would help me. I put Ivy between us. I just pray he doesn't like me.

'So Trix how can you help me get my magic back? I asked while looking around.
'You're not like most fairies, and I know a lot, most fairies aren't royal like you' she explained.
'What does me being royal have to do with it?' I asked.
'Every royal has a crystal that is yours!' she replied.
'How do I know which one is mine?' I was confused.
'I will explain when we are there!' she responded.

We have been walking for ages now. I am starting to get tired, but I am glad I am back. I didn't think I was going to come back. I didn't want to come back but my magic and my guitar were the only things in this world that mattered to me. So, I need this to work. We have arrived after 20 more minuets of walking.

'Now that we are here, how does this work?' Ben asked.
'She needs to go in the cave alone and after a few seconds she will know which one is hers!' Ivy explained.

Ben was worried, I reassured him and went in. there were loads of crystals. I have done what Ivy said and nothing has happened. Until a few seconds later a royal blue crystal lit up and drew my attention. I walked over to it and knelt down beside it. I touched it and suddenly, I felt something that I can't explain. It was so bright I bet they could see it from outside.

After that happened, I walked back outside. I felt very dizzy. Next thing I knew everything went black. I woke up 20 minuets later.

'What happened?' I asked trying to get back up.
'You passed out again!' Trix replied.
'Oh, great that's fun!' I spoke.
'What happened in there?' Ivy asked.
'I found my crystal; I touched it and felt a spark and then I came out here!' I explained.

I stood up and started to walk to regain balance. I knelt down and placed my hand on the floor. And flowers grew. Everybody started clapping. I was so happy.

'I'm back bitches!' I shouted.

Trixie hugged me. I felt so close to her. She is my bonded pixie. She will be by my side even if no one is. Ok! Soppy time is over. On my left I heard a scream.

'Please tell me someone heard that?' I asked.
'No?' everyone shook their heads.

I hear it again. Now its louder.

'Ok I heard that now!' Ivy spoke with worry.

I started to run in the direction I heard it coming from. Everyone was following me. I still have no clue where It is coming from. We have been trying to find it for over an hour now. We can't pinpoint it and it is getting annoying.

'I give up! I have no clue where its coming from!' I gave up.

Until Trix shouted for us to follow her. We did. We have been running for about 10 minuets now. We stopped and saw a dead body with my name carved into it.

'that's a welcome back gift, if I ever seen one!' I chuckled.

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