Chapter 9- couple of days before the wedding

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It has now been a few hours since we got back. I am in my room and read a book. When Ben knocked on my door with something in his arms. I put my book away and helped him in my room.

'what's that?' I asked.
'Something for you!' he put it down.

He walked to my bed and sat down. I moved forwards and opened it. It was a guitar! I hugged and squealed. I got it out of its case and started to play. Ben was smiling as he was watching me. I felt everything around me felt like I am in a dream.

I heard my mum shouting my name. I put the guitar away and went to go and see her. Ben followed. I got downstairs and saw her.

'what's going on with you two?' she asked.
'Nothing why?' I walked into the kitchen.
'So, he didn't get you something?' she raised one eyebrow.
'How did- 'she cut me off.
'I told her!' Nicole butted in.
'Of course you did!' I scoffed.
'Just tell me' Mum stated.
'Fine he got me a new guitar because she broke my last one!' I was sarcastic.

She got a knife and threw it at me. I managed to put a force field up just in time. Mum and Nicole looked stuned. I dropped it and walked away. Ben stayed there. I went to the dance room. I turned the music on and started dancing. Dancing makes me miss my dad a lot. I don't even know if he will be proud of me or not. I always fell him around me when I dance.

I stopped and started to cry. I fell to the floor. But at that moment I felt something on my shoulders. I took a look and saw Trix. I hugged her.

'What are you doing here?' I asked.
'Did you really think I would leave you here, plus ivy is busy!' she shrugged.
'Ok come on then!' I got up.

We walked to my room and sat on my desk. Its now 9pm and I am ready to go to bed. I was taking off my make-up off and she was asking me questions. But these questions were really random. Like really random. I got all my make-up off and went to get dressed. I put on a top and shorts.

I got into bed and Trix was still asking questions. I can't get her to be quiet. I managed to get her to sleep after a long painfull hour. Its now 10:45. She has been asking questions for so long I couldn't even count. I wouldn't change her for the world. I went to bed.

It's now the morning. She woke me up and demanding things. So, I got dressed into a blue dress and went downstairs. Its 8:30 and everyone was already down there. I said morning and went to the kitchen. I got my self some toast and Trix a cookie. Then went to the living room.

When we entered, everyone stared us. She noticed Ben and she went to him. It was just silence, until the bell rang. Mum shouted for the main to get the while she stared at me. I sat on the chair, on the other side on the room.

The maid opened the door to where we all saw Ben's dad walk in. everyone looked at me and Ben like we are crazy. But Trix is asleep on ben. (I guess pixies do nap). I only say that because it was a topic of our conversations.

'Go on saw what you want!' I was relaxed.
'Who is that and most of all what is it?' she asked very disgusted.
'Her name is Trixie, and she is a pixie!' I explained while eating.
'Mum, I want a pixie!' Nicole wined.
'Ok honey ... where did you get her Blossom?' she turned to me.
'Look she aint something you can get off the streets, she is my pixie! End of!' I was annoyed.

Everyone looked at each other. It's like they don't know what to say. I chuckled and put my plate away. I went back into the room. It looked like Trix was awake. I sat down and she came over to me. I started to play with her. We are both laughing and having fun. Then Nicole turned to Ben.

'So, Ben how do you know her?'
'I have seen her a few times' he replied.
'We have known- 'I covered her mouth.
'What was that?' mum asked.
'Nothing!' I chuckled.

I whispered in her ear while the maid brought the drinks in. the whole room went silent. Trix done some magic and it made me feel better. I was laughing and giggling, everyone just looked at me.

'Come on Trix let's go to the garden!' I got up.
'Can I come?' Ben's dad asked.
'Sure!' I answered.

We all went to the garden. It was pretty awkwad until Trix asked him about the wedding. Just like Ben he was hesitant to answer. I looked at him and continued to walk. He sat on the bench and told me to sit down. He turned to me.

He continued to say that he isn't happy with the wedding. Especially him marring Nicole. He wanted me to marry Ben. Then he continued to list why I am better than her for Ben. I chuckled and turned my head. He knew I liked him. Be made me look into his eyes and proceeded to tell me that he is going to try and convince my mum to change her mind. We got up, I curtsied, and he walked away.

'At least it's not only me who thinks you two are good together!' Trix shouted.
'shhhh keep your voice down!' I covered her mouth.
'haha no!' she crossed her arms and turned around.
'Oh, come on!' I made her follow me.

We walked backed to the castle. I walked up the stairs as Trix went to explore. I saw Nicole standing in front of her mirror, holding her dress. She saw me and put it on her bed.

I walked and leaned against the door. She side-eyed me. She walked to her crown closet. She kept going back and forwards trying to see if it goes with the dress. She can't even be bothered to say hi to me.

'That white crown with the silver accessories, will go really well with the dress!' I gave advice.
'Thank you!... wait why am I taking advice from you... you have bad taste; I mean look at your outfit!' she spoke in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. When I walked away, I heard her squeal. I chuckled to myself. Its now half wat threw the day. Tomorrow is the wedding.
I went past to the dining room to see Bens's dad and mum. They stopped me to talk to them. He gestured for me to sit down. I did. I am confused. He was looking at me while mum was looking elsewhere. Then mum wanted to say something.

'We think you shouldn't go tomorrow'.
'Wait what! Is this both of you or just you!' I shouted.
'Both of us' she said quietly.
'no... I am going and I don't care what you say!' I stood up.
'No, you're not end of!' she's getting angry.
'Whatever!' I shouted.

I walked out. Ben's dad tried to catch up, but he couldn't. its now the night. We didn't do much the evening. So, I am going to read then go to bed.


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