Chapter 19

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"Run up, bend your knees slightly and then jump to shoot, got it?" Jerome instructed. The four of them, Jerome, Jeremiah, Jonathan and Kaleb were teaching her how to play basketball. It's been two hours and they were still in the basketball court.

Kalani nodded, running back up again to give it another shot. Time moved slowly, as she looked at how the ball curved then went downhill into the hoop. Screams and heavy footsteps erupted behind her. Before she could turn, she was engulfed in a bear hug then tackled to the ground. They were all cheering for her.

"Finally the brat has done it" Kalani rolled her eyes and shoved him off. Her and Jerome had gotten close now and the salty nickname no longer bothered her.

"Two hours later but at least you've done it. Well done, sis" she smiled at Jonathan as he helped her up. "Well done, Lani." Jeremiah and Kaleb said at the same time.

"You better go and finish off your homework's before Enzo gets back home" Giovanni's voice interrupted their little celebratory moment. "Yeah yeah we know, no need to ruin the mood." Jeremiah walked first and the rest of them followed.

It was a rule that they had to do their homework before dinner specially on days like today. They had to have all homework done on Friday so they could stay up all they wish during the night as well as spend quality time together during the weekends.

Within the last hours left before dinner they all finished their work and came down to eat, Kalani and Kaleb being the last of them.

"I want no mention of this around them" they walked in just Gabriel gave orders. "No mention of what?" Kaleb pondered. "Nothing just business work. Sit" Raphael lied.

Dinner was served and they all sat in comfortable silence. Halfway through her food, Kalani remembered what her friends had asked her earlier today. So she grabbed her phone to type.

"Vincenzo" his eyes immediately turned to her and she felt her heart palpitate. She had never asked him for something and she was scared of getting rejected. "Yes" he answered.

"My friends at school asked me if I could come over to their house tomorrow evening so we could have a sleepover" Her hands fumbled as she struggled to type.

"Who are these friends?" His gaze darkened as he went into all seriousness. "The ones I told you about last time. Emily, Scarlet and Samantha" he hummed recalling the background check he had secretly done on them. It was only for protocols and her safety.

"Did I mention your friend is really hot" Kalani threw a question look at Jeremiah. "Which one" she asked. "The blonde girl, I think the one named Samantha" he grinned. She gave him an icky look to say that she was not impressed. "My friends are nice girls and I don't want you involving yourself with them. Besides she is a year younger than you" he just shrugged his shoulders not caring. "It's only a year difference no big deal."

"You turn 18 after she turns 17" that still didn't seem to bother him. "As I said no big deal"

Vincenzo cleared his throat gaining their attention once again."Whose house are you planning on going to?" He leaned forward, eyes hooded. This spiked her anxiety.

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