august... 15... 2024...

33 1 0

the next morning, me and hoshino snuggled and kissed each other good morning as we walk out of our room to see karin and serina cuddling each other as they drink their coffee... we ate our breakfast and got ready for the day... as karin got outside to fix his diplomat.... we heard gunshots... karin ran back inside as we see him covering his right shoulder... i realized that we're being attacked... i whispered to hoshino "honey... get in the bedroom... i'll meet you outside."... she nodded as she ran to the bedroom and locked the door... me and serina ran to karin's room as we see him rolling on his bed from the bullet... i asked serina if she had any gauze, she nodded and ran to get it... as she got back with it, i immediately grabbed it and covered karin's shoulder with it, to prevent it from more bleeding and to prevent karin from removing the bullet from his shoulder... i ran outside to my fc rx7 and drove it next to my bedroom window, i gave a tiny honk as i see hoshino open the window and immediately ran to my car... i got on the road as to see karin's ar86 drive next to me... we looked at each other in fear as we didn't know what the fuck was going on... then... we saw it... we saw the black mini chevy school bus from yesterday... i remembering before even meeting hoshino, i was on my computer and found an article that talked about the same masked men driving the bus... apparently their names were alex and andrew... i looked at karin as to knowing those two people with the same name... after our five second stare, we heard a gunshot that suddenly made karin go out of control... as he tried to gain control, his right shoulder got in pain again, causing him to drive right in front of-

it's been five minutes after the wreck... and i was somehow still alive... i crawled out of my car to check on karin... he was unresponsive, he had been knocked out from the impact... serina slowly opened her eyes to see me... she jumped up to hug me, she asked about karin and i told her that he's been knocked out from the impact... then... we heard a familiar horn and immediately ran to get hoshino out of the car... as serina picked up karin... me, hoshino and serina all ran to the nearest forest... as we got far, serina put down karin and checked everything on him... we saw alex and andrew again... me and serina hid as hoshino got out her shotgun... loaded it up with as many bullets as she could bring with her... as alex and andrew got closer, she finally had the draw distance of the bullets... i slowly covered serina's ears as i hear the gunshot... we looked back to see hoshino standing still, dropping her gun... i immediately ran to her, seeing if she was okay... she was... but not mentally... me, hoshino and serina, who carried karin again, got back on the road, running to the nearest hospital... surprisingly, the nearest hospital was the one serina works at... later, me and hoshino looked from outside the room window as we see karin on a hospital bed, serina checking up on him... sixteen minutes later, serina got out the room with a soft smile on her face... i asked her if karin was okay, she took a deep breath as she said "he... is okay. he's just in a coma."... i had the biggest smile on my face as i jump up and down....causing me and hoshino to hug serina at the news... my big smiles turn into cries of joy, knowing that karin will survive more longer... thirty minutes later, we see karin with serina walking out of the room... i slowly walk up to him... and he... opened his arms... i immediately hugged him tightly... crying in his arms... knowing that my best friend is okay... and now... welcoming... later, all four of us walk out of the hospital... i called for a tow truck to take the now wrecked fc rx7 and wrecked ae86 to the nearest repair shop... i asked them to try to fix the cars, one of the mechanics said that they'll try... it became nighttime, and karin sneaked up on me... tapped me on the shoulder as he whispered to me "follow me." with a soft smile on his face... i followed him to the repair shop, only to see a pink fc rx7 with a silhouette of hoshino's head on the hood... my jaw drops as i look at my car, karin asking me of what i think of it... i start tearing up and immediately hugged karin as hard as i could, whispering to him "it's... amazing..."... karin hugging me back, knowing that cheered me up from... what happened a couple hours ago... i got back in my fc rx7 which is now pink, and drove it up next to the diplomat... me and karin got back in the house, as karin got in his room and closed his door, i sneaked out of the house to the repair shop and asked one of the mechanics to do me a favor...

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