(Date: July 19, 2024)

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I decided to take a drive with my white Mazda FC RX7, the day was the same as yesterday, wind softly blowing, birds singing, flowers blooming, soft blue sky, it was all the same. Until I saw someone very familiar and beautiful standing on the side of the road... Hoshino~. Yesterday was her last day in the hotel, and she needed a place to stay. As soon as I saw her, I immediately stopped in front of her. She got in the car and she said "I need a place to stay, my people are on a world tour, and I've been sleeping for too long and now... I'm stuck here." Later, I took her to KarinX4014's house, as soon as I walked in the house with her, Karin's mouth dropped, it was actually kinda funny, looking back on it. He couldn't speak as he got closer, then he finally said "dude... you're joking.". I silently giggled as I shook my head, and he fast-walked to his room to scream in his pillow, I couldn't tell what he yelled, but I think it was something like "you're so lucky!". He took me and Hoshino to his room and closed it, I think he wanted us to talk, but I couldn't tell from all his excitement. Me and Hoshino looked at each other for a couple of seconds, and then I sighed as I said "I really wasn't expecting to actually meet you...". She looked backed at me with eyes to somewhat surprised and confusion, we both lay down in bed as I continue saying "to be completely honest, I... really don't wanna say it since we're here but...", I took a deep breath, my face almost covered in embarrassment pink, as I finally said "I... have a... c-crush on... you...". I immediately hid my face in a random pillow I could find, and from what I could remember, her face was as pink as her hair, it was actually kinda cute and adorable. She laid down next to me, twirling her finger on the bed as she said "I'm... really glad you feel that way... towards me of all people...". My face got pinker until it was the same shade of pink as her hair, as I was comfortable with her saying that, I scooted closer to her as she scooted closer to me. Then, out of sudden nowhere, I cuddled her as I rubbed my head on her collarbone, my hand petting her head, and me being lost in the moment. She suddenly cuddled me back, doing the same thing I did with my hand, but she did it to my hair. I melted in her grasp as we both fell asleep, I don't remember this happening, but Karin did tell me that he got back to his room, only to find me and Hoshino sleeping on his bed, and he didn't wanna disturb us, so he closed the door and let us sleep in peace, very peaceful peace.

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