(Date: July 26-27, 2024)

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It was late at night, and I was having a bad dream or a nightmare as some people say about my car getting wrecked by two masked men, I wake up to hear metal sounds coming from outside. I quietly groan as I know that's Karin trying to fix his Diplomat, I walk outside to say "Karin... please shut the fuck up.", as he gives me a face of killing me, I roll my eyes as I walk back to bed. The next morning, Hoshino wakes up to see a very joyful Karin at the table, drinking coffee. Hoshino comes back to wake me up, as I slowly and groggly open my eyes to see her, I quietly say to her "oh, good morning, princess." as we kiss each other good morning. I walk out of my room to see Karin drinking coffee on the table as I groggly say "good morning, Mr. Noisy.". Karin chuckles and says "well, good morning to you, too sleepy beauty.", I grumply say "just call me beauty, because I didn't get any sleep.", as Karin ignores me and goes back to drinking coffee. Later, he goes back outside to fix his Diplomat with his cup of coffee, I come outside to see him fixing and drinking. I sit down on the couch as I say to him "you ever wonder that something feels... wrong after your dream?", he looks at me and shakes his head as he goes back to his Diplomat. Later, after Karin takes a break from fixing his car, I'm asleep as Hoshino sleeps next to me. I start to dream about me in my RX7 and Karin in his AE86, driving next to each other like a normal day. Then suddenly, Karin loses control as he swerves in front of me. After I heard what sounded like metal crashing into each other for a split second, I sit up in bed as I try to catch my breath from what I saw. Hoshino cuddles next to me and asks me what happened, and I lay back down and explain to her about my dream. She snuggles next to me for comfort as she kisses me and tells me it's okay, I snuggle her back and thank her as we fall asleep, hopefully knowing that the next few weeks won't be so bad... right?

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