(Date: July 23-24, 2024)

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Me and Hoshino decided to go on an actual date, by going to the park. Sitting with her, feeding the birds with her, and ending it off with a cuddle on a bench. When we got back, I saw Karin trying to fix his 1978 Dodge Diplomat, after I asked him why he was trying to fix it now, I think he said that it was for something. He didn't want to tell me since he was so excited about it. Later, as me and Hoshino were cuddling in bed, I heard a motor starting and Karin laughing with joy as he got in his car and drive off to the hospital where we found Serina. Hours later, as me and Hoshino both cuddled each other to sleep, Karin sneaked up to us and tapped our shoulders as he whispered to us "Guess what?", I shrug as he excitedly yells with joy "I finally got a DATE!!". I giggled as I congratulated him, knowing that two best friends have two pink hair girlfriends. The next morning, me and Hoshino woke up to see a missing Karin, I immediately shrugged it off as I remembered that he said he had a date with Serina. Finally, it was my time to confront about that one night, me and Hoshino sat down as I say "y-you know that one night when you were in your b-bra and underwear?". She nods as she got closer, then I finally had the courage to say "well, when you turned around to close the door, I've been seeing your... how do I say this... b-bottom?". My face turns red as Hoshino giggles, not being mad that I looked at her bottom. She leaned over to kiss me as she said "I never knew you were so into butts!", I covered my face after she said that, causing her to giggle even more. She cuddled up to comfort me as I cuddle her back. Later, Karin came back with his eyes halfway covered and a soft smirk layed on his face as I imagined his heart, almost beating out of his chest as I realized something, I asked him if he was okay as he walked past me and said "I need to lay down for a moment" as he went to his room and closed the door. As me and Hoshino get ready for bed, I snuggled up to her as I asked her "I wonder how Karin's date went.", she said that it probably went well, due to his soft smirk on his face. I agreed as me and Hoshino snuggled and kissed each other to sleep, probably getting ready for the next day.

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