(Date: July 21-22, 2024)

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Karin had surprisingly found me and Hoshino on the countryside. after he asked what happened and why we were gone for so long, he look at Hoshino's and my eyes, he could tell that we kissed here by his widening eyes and dropping jaw. When we got home, Karin was so lost for words that he couldn't speak a single word and could just make a noise before going back to thinking. As he thinks of what to say, me and Hoshino cuddle up to each other again, finally Karin said to me "...you're joking.". Again, I shook my head as he almost freaks out in excitement but calms down for once as he said "just... congrats.", as he couldn't speak once again. Later, me and Hoshino went to bed and snuggled up so much, and even kissed each other goodnight, which I must admit... felt amazing. The next morning, I wake up to see a Hoshino in her pajamas, her back towards me. As I turn to lay on my back, she turns around to snuggle me, so I turn to face her and snuggle her back. 5 minutes later, Karin comes to our room to pat our shoulders just to say "breakfast is ready, snuggle-birds". Me and Hoshino giggle as we kiss each other good morning and get up for the day. Later, Karin had a go to his daily check up, so he was tooken to the hospital. As we wait for his doctor to be assigned, we finally hear Karin's name as we also hear the name "Nurse Serina". Me and Karin froze after we heard the name "Serina", as we see a pink hair nurse with pink eyes call Karin's name. after we left, me, Hoshino and Karin get home as I drive my FC RX7, and then Karin said "I didn't wanna leave.", I look at Karin and roll my eyes with a smirk as I know that he's SO DAMN obsessed with Serina. Later, me and Hoshino cuddle in bed, snuggling and kissing like not a care in the world. As we get ready for bed, Hoshino comes into the room with only her bra and her underwear, as she turned to close the door, I had saw her... how do I say this without getting called weird?... behind. After she got into bed, I turned to her as I feel my eyes almost turning into heart eyes as me and Hoshino cuddle and kiss each other to bed. Now I had something that I needed to tell Hoshino, but I didn't tell her until me and her were completely home alone, thank god, it happened the day after.

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