Drabble ~ Family Time

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Just a little drabble for Levi having the loving family he deserves, except I got carried away with it :)
Fluff, dad!vi, f!reader

She's fine...She's been through hell and back, I know she can handle this. She's fine.

Levi shook the thought from his mind with a tired sigh as he returned to the bedroom he shared with his wife with two cups of steaming tea in his rough hands.

He'd been reluctant to leave her side the last nine months as it was, but even just a second spent away from her presence these past two weeks, even just to make tea, was too much now.

Nudging open the bedroom door with his foot, he peaked in to check on her.

His wife was sat just where'd he'd left her; in the center of the bed propped up on pillows leaned against the headboard, cradling their newborn child to her chest as he slept soundly. She looked tired; exhausted, more like.

How two weeks had passed since their beautiful child's birth, Levi wasn't sure. They'd waited nine long months for this moment, and now it was going by seemingly so quickly.... It was something so bittersweet to the both of the new parents.

Y/N lifted her tired eyes up to meet Levi's, a loving smile perched on her lips as she accepted the offered cup of tea with her free hand and motioned for him to sit by her.

Without so much as a single though Levi sat, scooting closer to her hip with his eyes trained on the top of his son's head.

"Little brat finally fell asleep, huh?" He murmured, gently brushing his fingers along the newborn's fuzzy dark hair as the boy slept soundly against his mother's chest. Y/N hummed, loosing an exasperated sigh.

"It's five in the evening, love. He's gonna be up all night again now," She murmured back as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Mmh...I'll stay up with him."

Levi set aside his tea and reached out slowly to scoop the boy into his own arms, letting Y/N slump against him fully with a tired groan and snuggle into his side.

"Go figure; both my boys are insomniacs. Did he get anything from me? I mean, he's got your eyes get anything from me? I mean, he's got your eyes and hair already." She chuckled, looking up to see an amused smirk adorning Levi's face as he stared down at this child lovingly.

"He got your attitude, I think. He slapped at my hand this morning after a diaper change." He mused, which earned him a light slap to the shoulder from his loving wife.

"Only proving my point, darling." He murmured.

"Though, he did turn out adorable; just like you. You're both so precious."
He continued on in a near whisper of awe.
Y/N hummed softly, seeming contented with this addition.

"Well, if you've got him..I'm exhausted," Y/N suddenly yawned, stretching out a little to curl against Levi's side.

With one arm cradling their newborn, and his other hand now brushing through her hair, Levi leaned down to place a soft kiss on both of their cheeks.

"Get some rest darling...you've more than earned it," he whispered against her hair, feeling the tension slowly leaving her body with a sleepy sigh.

She fell asleep quickly; not to his surprise. He watched her a moment, adoring in wonder for the nth time now just how someone like her had found it in her to not only love someone like him, but to also bring forth a new life for their little family. He knew in that moment that he would never overcome his gratitude for her...

Gradually, their son began to wake up in a quiet fuss in his arms, and his attention was stolen away from his sleeping wife back to his cranky son.

"Oh? Chose to wake up again, huh?" He cooed softly, bringing him to rest further up onto his chest. Now on his belly, the infant boy seemed to quiet down.

"See? Your okay; daddy's got you," Levi murmured with a soft smile, cradling his arms securely around his boy and leaning back on the bed to hold onto his wife more securely as his own eyes began to flutter shut.

Up until this moment, he couldn't recall a time he felt so at peace with his life. His lover on his right, his child on his chest, the light steam that rose from his mostly untouched teacup on the nightstand twirling through the still air...

This was happiness.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 04 ⏰

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