Drabble ~ Snuggles

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I wanna be held in Levi's strong arms so badly you have no idea the comfort I'd get from that small act alone-

Sitting in the corner of your couch with your lover, a glass of your preferred relaxing beverage in hand with your side pressed tightly against his and your head leaning on his shoulder.

There's a blanket over your lap, despite the temperature of the room. A fire crackling against the far wall behind the grate, casting orange and yellow glows around the room while shadows danced across the ceiling.

A plant or two perfectly watered and cared for, potted in the window sill to Levi's left; adding a splash of color against the white and beige colored walls that seemed to illuminate with the colors of the setting sun outside.

Levi's fingers would absentmindedly tangle in your hair as he peered down at a book in his lap; one arm crossed over your shoulders and the other holding your hand. He'd only dare let go to quickly turn the page in his novel.

You'd sift through a small bowl set in your lap that you'd prepared earlier on for this exact setting. Popping one treat into your mouth, then offering to feed one to Levi. He seemed completely focused on his book, not even looking your way when your slender hand came into view holding a treat for him to open his mouth and take.

But all the while he'd be stealing glances over at you after every paragraph he read through, not noticing you doing the same over the rim of your glass.

Life was peaceful, in the moment, in this room. In his arms, snuggled up close.

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