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{ chars pov }

As me and mia enter the fair, we quickly rush over to the waltzers. The line was short since we got there early, and we were one of the first on. After that, we got on the twister, and lastly the bumper cars. Before heading off to get some food.

We head to the food court, and sit down once we'd ordered. I check my phone, seeing some messages in the staff group chat. "Char," I look up at mia "your adorable" she hums, finishing. I feel my face flush up, and look away.

Less than a moment later, the food arrives, and once we've eaten we walk around for a bit. Before heading to a more isolated area.

Mia stops in the middle of the grass, turning to me and looking down at me. Grabbing my hands, and pulling me in for a kiss.

After a moment, we pull apart, and smile at eachother.

"I love you.."

"I love you more, sweetheart.."

Lockets // mialotteWhere stories live. Discover now