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{ Charlotte's pov }

I walk into the nursery, thanking mia for dropping me off. I walk towards the head office, but notice no one is there. I head to the staff room, no one is there. I look everywhere and no one is here. What is going on? I look outside a window nearest to the carpark and notice a crowd, everyone there being basically all the staff, and the children. Huddling around something. There also looks like, an ambulance? How odd.

I rush outside and run over to Marjorie "Marjorie, what's happened?" I ask looking at her with a VERY concerned look on my face. "Jodie thought it'd be a good idea to let a child climb the fence in the garden and walk along it, he fell and..I don't really need to explain" she replies, glancing at me and then back into the crowd "Oh my god is the child okay?!" I ask, almost rasing my voice "he's a'right, just needs some surgery they said." She says nodding at me. After awhile of me and Marjorie chatting, the crowd eventually goes inside and the work goes back to normal.

I let out a sigh, looking up at Marjorie "Why is it always with jodie?" I ask, Marjorie narrowing her eyes at me as I do so "what does that mean?" She says back, glaring at me. "Well it's always incidents like this that lead back to jodie!" I say, raising my voice a bit. Glaring back at Marjorie. "Well that is just not true!" She answers back, raising her voice louder than mine "it is!!" I say back, narrowing my eyes at her.

After atleast 10-15 minutes of us going back and forth, she storms off. God why is she being such a mega bitch!!I clench my fists, flinching as I feel someone grab one hand "is everything alright, darling?" A voice says from behind me, mia. "Just Marjorie, jodie let a kid get really badly hurt, sent to the hospital! But she refuses to let jodie go. Don't get why!" I say, clenching my fists even tighter. "Wow, darling, calm down..who knew you had such a temper Charlotte.." She says, chuckling as she uses her own hands to unclench my own. "Just take some deep breaths, and some time away from the people at the nursery" she hums, speaking in a soothing tone. Intertwining her hands with mine. I sigh, nodding at her "I'd best go, I do still need to work.." I mumble, feeling a bit flustered around mia "don't worry about that darling, I'll phone Marjorie and get her to let you have the day off.." She hums, smiling at me "mia you don't need to-" before I can say anymore she's already on the phone to Marjorie, their conversation ending quickly "she said its best if you do take the day off, cmon, let's go somewhere nice!" She says, smiling at me and leading me to her car. Driving off to godknows where

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