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Eventually, I wake up, taking a look at the time. 6:01am. I look over at Charlotte, seeing her still in my bed, fast asleep. She's adorable..

I let out a soft, and quiet, yawn. Cuddling up against Charlotte.

Another hour passes, and I lay there, feeling bored. Eventually, I notice her move around a bit, waking up. I watch her as she sits up. "Eerrrr...where am I.." She mumbles, seeming REALLY tired, and hungover "well darling your at my house because you fell asleep in my car. I brought some clothes from your house though, just incase" I say, shrugging slightly.

She nods at me and gets up, grabbing the clothes as she heads to the bathroom. I stretch and sit up, walking to my drawers and also get changed. As I head downstairs, I hear the bathroom door open. I nod to myself, and head to the kitchen.

I enter and put some bread into the toaster, sitting down at the island. "Mia?" I hear a quiet voice mumble from behind me "yes Charlotte?" I reply, turning my head to her "nevermind.." She grumbles. I nod at her and get up, making myself some coffee and her some tea as she sits at the island "you do like tea, right?" I ask, glancing at her "yeah, I do" she says, nodding at me, and I nod back.

A few hours pass and me and Charlotte just sit in my living room, watching a movie. Heathers, I think it's called? Dunno, she chose it though! It seems..interesting in a way. One of the actors is kinda my type though, I'll be honest!

I glance at the door as I hear a knock "I'll be back, just gonna get that" I say, looking at Charlotte as I get up. "Alright!" She hums, not taking her eyes off the movie, some weird stuff is happening..I don't really get it.

I open the door and someone charges in "jesus christ.." I grumble, looking up at the tall man "Why hello reece.." I say, my voice becoming louder, and clearer, as Charlotte pauses the movie "where's Charlotte" he says, looking down at me a stern look on his face. "In the living room, why?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him "why isn't she at her house" he asks, narrowing his eyes back at me "because she fell asleep in my car and I took her here. Anyways, what do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms. Already a bit pissed off. "For you to not play with her, or manipulate her!" he says, looking down at me. I can't help but chuckle at his statement "reece, god, your a bit stupid aren't you? I'm not manipulating her or playing with her. I genuinely like her" I say, shrugging him. "Sure, anyways, mind if we come in?" He asks. What does he mean we? Before I can answer a shit ton of people come in, autumn, Marjorie, winter, carly, and jodie. "Could atleast let me answer first, char!! We have people here to watch the movie with us" I say, turning away from them and sitting down back next to her. Glancing back at me as the rest follow behind me. I put an arm over Charlotte's shoulder and pull her close to me as they all sit. "You can unpause the movie now, explain to them what's happened if you like" I say, smiling at Charlotte "Oh no need she's had us watch this before" Marjorie says, chuckling. "Yeah char really seems to like it" carly says, looking over at Marjorie. I nod and carry on watching as Charlotte unpauses the movie.

Whilst watching, I smirk a bit as Charlotte leans her head onto my shoulder.

30 minutes pass, and the movie ends. I get up to make myself and char some food. "You gonna make us 'olt either, or just you and Charlotte?" Marjorie says, almost like she's ordering me to make them food. "Just me and char," I reply "what do you want to eat dar- Charlotte" I say, mumbling slightly after almost calling her darling infront of all them. "Uhh, can you just order something?" She asks as I return from the kitchen. "Ofcourse" I nod and sit back down next to her and grab my phone.

The food arrives and sit there chatting, the others talk to eachother too. It's like we're not there to them and they're not here to use.

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