Chapter 22- Get over it

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They all sprinted swiftly through the depths of the woods.
Jane's breath started to die out as they all ran with great speed trying to outrun the Assassins. Jane then tripped on a little branch and fell to the ground. "Jane!' Brian shouted as he ran towards her and helped her up. They all panted trying to catch their breaths.

"They're faster now." Annalise said as she continued to hold Jane's right arm and brian held her left.

Liz studied her daughter, "We can't keep running for any longer."

"It's the middle of the night," Aria interrupted her, "we can't stay put." Liz felt Jane's forehead and it burned against the palm of her hand, making Liz curse under her breath.

Jane's head throbbed, making her go unconscious. "What's happening to her?" Jacob asked, panicking.
Celestine went to her, checking her pupils. She then put her palm on Jane's forehead and then lifted up her hand. "So?" Brian questioned Celestine.

"Remember when Jane broke up with you?" Celestine said, catching everyone's attention. Brian's eyes then looked down, his facial expressions then turned dark, "I'm pretty sure i'll never forget." he replied to her, sounding down.

"Well she broke up with you because that's what the master wanted," Celestine looked down at Jane who was lying down on brian's lap unconscious, "she said that you were no longer needed."

"No longer needed? What does that mean?" Aria interjected.

Suddenly, a sound of leaves moving and wood cracking came from behind all of them. Before they knew it, Assassins started pouring behind them, "Someone's gotta hold Jane and we need to run!" Jacob shouted to all of them. Brian then lifted Jane and was then carrying her in his arms.

Then suddenly they turned the other way and more Assassins were crowding the area. They surrounded them. "What are we gonna do?" Annalise then asked, her voice laced with fear.

"Fight back, as always." Jacob said as he got into position, Celestine then cracked her neck making herself more comfortable as she also got into position.

All of a sudden, the air was pierced by the sharp sounds of bullets, resonating through the woods. The Assassins, one by one, were swiftly brought down, crashing onto the ground with a force that resembled solid concrete.

"What the hell was that?" Celestine exclaimed, her frustration palpable. Liz scanned the surroundings and a smile formed on her face as she recognized the source. Figures clad in pitch-black attire began to converge on the area, their dark armor covering every inch of their bodies, from head to toe. In their hands, they wielded powerful assault rifles.

One of them removed his hat, revealing a face adorned with a neck gaiter. His gaze locked onto Liz, and the commotion stirred Jane from her slumber.

"I'm glad we finally found you," the enigmatic man spoke, his black crew cut hair, mossy green eyes, and mischievous smile giving him an intriguing charm. Standing tall, he possessed an average handsomeness, coupled with a sturdy physique.

"Anderson," Liz uttered, her voice filled with recognition, causing Jacob and Celestine to grow increasingly wary. They instinctively took a step back, prompting Annalise, Aria, and Brian to follow suit, protecting Jane.

"It's okay, I know them," Liz reassured the rest of the group, calming their nerves. Brian and Jane exchanged curious glances. "How do you know them?" Jane inquired, as Brian gently placed her back on the ground. "They're from the camp I was telling you about," Liz responded.

"And we're here to take you home," the green-eyed man declared, gesturing to the others behind him as they silently retreated into the depths of the woods.

Jacob, his unease and suspicion mounting, questioned the green-eyed man, "Where are they going?"

"They're going back to the camp, I'm ordered to take all of you back. That's if you all wanna go." the green eyed men said, making the group glance at each other.

Jane confidently stepped forward, leading the group, and approached the green-eyed man. She declared, " We're all going back to the camp."


They all made their way through the dense woods, with the sound of rustling leaves and the eerie stillness of the swaying trees. The presence of lurking Assassins added an extra layer of tension to their journey.

The green-eyed man took the lead, guiding them through the mysterious woods. Eventually, they stumbled upon a seemingly endless road that led to nowhere in particular.

"Where were you?" The green-eyed man instantly asked as they all were about the cross to the other side of the road. It took a while because of the dark atmosphere. The green-eyed man led the whole group, rifle in hand, preparing for any assassin.

"She took me, while the team and I were out patrolling." Liz responded under her breath.

"Marcos went out of his mind trying to look for you," the mysterious man with piercing green eyes said, turning his gaze towards Liz, whose eyes were fixated on the ground. Jane, filled with curiosity, looked at her mother, wondering who this 'Marcus' could be. 

Her attention then shifted to Brian, who was dutifully following behind Aria, playing the role of the protective older brother. As Jane glanced at Amy beside her, she noticed that Amy was intently observing the conversation between Liz and the enigmatic green-eyed man.

Jane couldn't help but wonder if this camp would live up to her mother's promises. Thoughts swirled in her mind, uncertainty mingling with anticipation.

Jane then felt a bump on her left shoulder, she turned her head to meet Brian glancing in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach as their hands clasped together.

They passed bush after bush and tree after tree, their exhaustion evident.

Jane kept on walking, even if her feet and belly ached. Suddenly she heard an angelic sweet voice pass by her ear. Help me.

She turned around, only to see nothing. Help me. It passed by her ear again. Jane stopped walking and looked around. Brian noticed and asked if she was okay. Jane wasn't paying attention, her attention was only on this voice, she realised that she'd recognised it. She'd heard it before but can't figure out where. 

She continued to scan the woods as Brian communicated to the rest of the group. Liz glanced at Jane, whispering under her breath, "Janey we have to go." Jacob looked at Jane whose eyes were on the depths of the woods. "Jane, are you okay?" Amy asked her, but Jane was too focused on that voice.

Help me.

Jane couldn't help it, she then started to follow where the voice came from. "Hey!" The yellow eyed man shouted as he was about to grab Jane. "Don't touch her." Liz uttered, moving his hand out of the way. The whole group followed Jane, keeping an eye on her. Annalise rolled her eyes, this was useless she thought.

Help me. Jane followed and followed, she passed a tree and saw a mysterious figure. A woman, dark brown, long hair. The woman then turned around to face Jane, blood running down her eyes, Jane gasped, breathing heavily. The group noticed this, "Jane what's wrong?" Aria curiously asked. Brian noticed the terrified look in her eyes, and walked up next to her. "Sidney," Jane whispered.

Brian looked at where Jane's eye was glancing at, there was nothing there. Brian called out her name, but she didn't answer. Liz went towards her daughter putting her palm towards Jane's cheek. "Baby. It's me, mom."

Jane began to shiver, tears forming in her eyes. Liz then went in front of her, blocking the view she was watching. She put both her hands on Jane's face, making her look up at her. "Sidney always loved you, you were her best friend. Those were her last words. And I know it's gonna take you a while to get over the fact that the one person you would tell any and everything to is gone." Liz said to her as she looked up with teary eyes.

"I'll never get over it." Jane said, taking her mom's hands off her face. "Let's go." Jane then looked towards the green-eyed man, and he nodded leading the way. 

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