Chapter 15- Trust Issues

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August 29th 2012

"Aw, baby, I'll totally get it for your birthday," Alexander said sweetly to Cindy.

Meanwhile, Annalise couldn't help but admire the stunning piece of jewelry right in front of her. It was a mesmerizing white gold engagement ring, so incredibly beautiful.

Just then, Cindy approached Annalise from behind and exclaimed, "Wow, it's absolutely gorgeous!"

Annalise nodded in agreement, unable to contain her awe. Alexander, always the playful one, chimed in, "Well, if you're lucky enough to find the right person who wants to marry you, maybe they'll splurge on it for you."

Annalise chuckled softly, feeling a tinge of self-doubt, and muttered, "I don't think I'll ever find someone like that."

Sensing the opportunity, Cindy turned to Alexander and asked, "Hey babe, would you buy it for me when we get engaged?"

Alexander, taken aback by the price, responded with a lighthearted tone, "Do you see that price tag? I'll find something equally beautiful but more affordable."

Unfortunately, Cindy didn't take it lightly and got a bit upset.

"Bae, it's like 200,000 dollars! I can't drop that much cash on a ring," Alexander said, trying to reason with Cindy.

However, Cindy remained still, her gaze fixed angrily on the ring. "You know I'd do anything for you," Alexander assured her, hoping to ease the tension.

Cindy smiled and looked at him mischievously. "Anything?" she asked, a playful smile on her face. "Anything," Alexander replied, pulling her close and playfully grabbing her ass, causing her to giggle.

"Ugh, couple stuff," Annalise chimed in, feeling a bit left out. "Guys, I'm heading home," she said, but they were too caught up in their passionate moment to hear her.

Annalise stepped out of the jewelry store, making her way down the dimly lit sidewalk. She couldn't help but feel a bit on edge, but she pushed through, determined to get home. After about 10 minutes, she finally arrived, only to be greeted by the sound of her parents and her little sister engaged in a heated argument.

"Oh my god, he's just a friend! You don't have to get so mad," her sister pleaded, her voice trembling with frustration.

Annalise couldn't help but roll her eyes at the situation. "Ugh, I told her to stop talking to that darn boy," she mumbled to herself, shaking her head.

Amidst the chaos, her father's voice boomed through the house. "So this boy that you were on the phone with, the one you told you would meet him, is just a friend? Your 13-year-old self?"

Annalise's frustration grew, but she decided to retreat to her room. As she closed the door, she couldn't help but overhear her mother's voice, desperately trying to diffuse the tension. "Richard, don't go so hard on her!"

Suddenly, the sound of something shattering against the floor echoed through the house. Annalise let out another exasperated sigh. "No more phone for you!!" her father's voice thundered.

In the midst of the chaos, her little sister's voice pierced through the air, filled with anger and hurt. "I HATE YOU!" she shouted, her footsteps echoing as she ran up the stairs.

The door swung open, revealing her sister with tears streaming down her face. Without hesitation, Annalise pulled her into a tight embrace. "I told you to leave him," she whispered, her voice filled with both frustration and concern.

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