Chapter 14- Newfound Companions

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Jacob and Annalise stepped into the house, relieved to be back after their long and tiring journey through the woods. As they made their way through the living room, they heard footsteps approaching them.

Turning around, they saw Aria coming towards them with a warm smile on her face. "Welcome back, guys," she said cheerfully. "We were starting to get worried about you."

Jacob and Annalise returned her smile, grateful for her friendly greeting. "Thanks, Aria," Jacob said. "It's good to be back."

Annalise nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we got a bit lost in the woods, but we managed to find our way back."

Aria chuckled. "Sounds like an adventure. I'm just glad you're both okay."

As they chatted, Jacob and Annalise couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over them. Aria's presence had a way of making them feel safe and protected, and they were grateful for her kindness.

Jane and Amy walked down the stairs and met Jacob, Annalise, and Aria.

Aria was confused and asked, "Wait, you guys are walking together?"

Jane laughed and said, "Yeah, we made up."

"Oh wow, finally!" exclaimed Annalise.

Jane gave Annalise a stern look and then turned her gaze towards Jacob. "So, you guys went into the city without telling us," Jane said, walking up to him.

Jacob nonchalantly replied, "Didn't know I needed your permission."

Jane's expression turned sad as she explained, "I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted a heads up, you know? You can't just leave like that. I didn't know if you were coming back."

Jacob looked deeply into her eyes, "I'd never leave you."

Jane raised her eyebrows in curiosity and said, "Uhem, anyways, what did you guys find?"

Jacob took the bag and let out a sigh, "Well, to be honest, there wasn't much to find. Everything had rotted away since no one has really been there for years."

He then slowly made his way towards the stairs with a limp, mentioning that he needed some rest.

Concerned, Jane looked at his left foot and asked, "Are you sure you're okay?" Jacob mustered a smile and gave her a thumbs up, assuring her that he was fine.

Jacob then headed up to his room.

Aria's question caught everyone's attention, and she asked Jane, "So, are you and Brian a thing now?"

Jane's eyes widened as she replied, "Why do you ask?"

Amy chimed in, saying, "Girl, you know why."

Annalise looked confused, so Aria jogged Jane's memory, "We caught the both of you kissing."

Annalise's eyes widened in surprise as she mumbled, "Oh."

Jane seemed deep in thought, her brows furrowed as she expressed her uncertainty, "I've been pondering over it so much. I'm not sure what our relationship status is. We never had that conversation."

Amy, with an intrigued expression, chimed in, "Well, why not just ask him?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.


Brian sat on the bed, his gaze fixed on the drawers. Curiosity got the better of him, and he approached, slowly pulling it open.

Inside, he found nothing but regular clothes. It dawned on him that they had never bothered to check, never asked themselves, who owned this house?

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