Chapter Fourteen : the mages hut

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Halobean and Fern were left on their own to fend against these dark shadow creatures created by Lone and his magical trickery, they slowly felt the folder and painting lose touch with reality as they disappeared. The creatures were only 2ft tall, yet they were agile, one had made its way up onto the ceiling twisting its head in a 360 like it was a child possessed by a demon. Lone insisted they couldn't hurt the two but at this point, who would ever trust him?

When you move to a different time you move to a different perspective, in this case when the wooden door closed this room of to the rest of the sewers, a loud bang could be heard all the way through the castles ground floor; on this floor was Cyrus working with some economic advisers, "Those absolute children, always getting themselves in trouble" they said leaving without an instant. Two other people on this floor were closer to the situation, Sylvester and Itto had gone back to check on the lot it had already been a whole night since they first got led on this easter egg hunt. They rushed straight to the door closed behind them "its closed off how are we going to get down there?" Sylvester's new innocence was hard to handle yet Itto managed to take no issue in it "Give me a second" Itto shouted bracing his arms and charging into the desk, forcefully opening up the secret second floor.

Cyrus was the first to arrive, either through an ability or just implying knowing their way around the castle, they appeared out of nowhere and stood in shock as the fight continued. Fern waved their rapier towards the growing closer monsters and beckoned them, "Care to dance?" The monsters charged forward, Fern dodged, leaving an unsuspecting Halobean to be held victim. The pain was a mixture of a tickle and a cut deep claw dragging into their skin, no blood was seen, however the pain felt real. It felt like it hurt, and it felt like they were about to end their life, she shook them off and ran over to Cyrus, still stood in shock about the chaos ensuing.

Sylvester and Itto were on the second floor, straight away to notice the new sewage pipe opened up, however if it took so long for the group to get there if they needed to be in a rush they couldn't walk. Itto picked Sylvester in his arms and started to run towards the wooden door, one slip up on the sewage caused the two to fall and slam into the door themselves. Fern was midair rapier in hand and plunged down on the creatures heads, two more slices and the creatures disintegrated into dust, Fern picks themself in sync with Sylvester and Itto, "It was that easy?" It was almost like they jinxed them all. The dust laying on the ground piled up making another creature this one was slower than the rest and was about 8ft tall, "He's pretty big aye Fern?" Sylvester clearly did not understand the other meaning of that sentence and meant it as a worry if Fern could be able to beat this creature.

Fern jumped onto a nearby ledge and the creatures attention directed to Itto Cyrus Halobean and most importantly Sylvester, Fern tried to jump Infront of the swing however their ability only had their best interests. Fern unwillingly dodged the attack looking over all their friends about to get hit, it only took a few seconds, but it was as if the world was playing in slow motion. It was Itto who parried the attack, "What in the world is going on? Cyrus stood behind the fight shielding the injured Halobean and Sylvester, "Fern is fighting the big shadow gremlin!" Sylvester replied with ease. Fern fell to the ground in a barrel roll saving themself just in time for it to not hurt, Itto's sword swung through the creatures arm but after time it continued to grow back, "Physical damage can't hurt it were going to need something else" he shouted to Fern continuously parrying the monster. Ferns eyes widened as the thought struck them, they jumped above lighting a match as they held in the air and through it towards the altar in the back of the room, the room regained its light as flames contained themself on that one rectangle. Fern spun too the creature and released a final plunge attack as it fell to the ground. They walked over to a confused Cyrus standing in shock eyes 40 meters wide trembling like a rollercoaster, behind them a crouched down Sylvester and Itto tending to Halobean, "She has no signs of wounds none internally either" Itto continued to check up on her as Cyrus heightened there voice to Fern "Care to explain what the fuck was that and when did it happen?" Fern drifted their eyes to Sylvester and Halobean, "They were shadow creatures, spawned from the dust of Harths bitchy boyfriend. Stephen was Lone in disguise, and it was horrible, I tried to get him, but he wasn't truly there he did what those creatures did and continued to come back in various forms and-" The shake Fern had in their voice was one to match an earthquake, as they locked eyes with Sylvester it stopped almost suddenly.

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