Chapter two : Welcome to the castle, Fern

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Naturally running a kingdom that you have only been familiar with for a few years can be quite challenging, Cyrus would be no exception and would need to call in an old friend, Fern, to help aid the monarch in activities. "Pleasure to meet you shorty," Halobean frantically shacked Fern's hand, "Please make fern feel welcome, maybe they can come drinking with you all later" Cyrus suggested before leaving Fern to be in a room with complete strangers all with unsettling auroras unique to their selves.

Similar to Halobean (Thankfully a little more contained) Michelle was thrilled to meet Fern and gave them a warm welcome, "Pleased to meet your acquaintance, I am Michelle the Royal blacksmith" Fern nodded as if to say likewise no words came into view. "So will you come to the pub later," Kate said quite ill mannerly, yet it would not matter as Bart would evidently budge into Kate with tea in hand, "WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA," Bart shouted at the top of her lungs carefully pronouncing each word as if fern could not understand her. "You know they can hear you" Kate said with a stern tone in her voice, "obviously not she's not replying to anyone" Bart snapped back, "they" Fern under breathed "See they can hear you" Kate rolled her eyes at Bart, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" Bart said back to Fern completely ignoring everything that just took place. "I'm not she I'm they" Fern told Bart "OKAY" Bart clearly did not take that into account.

It was a trend in the castle to go to the pub often, with monarch Astrid gone the bar sprees were they would go to every pub in the castle town, started becoming a rare occurrence but they still quite regularly go to their favorite pub the Octo exile located in a hotel quite close to the castle popular with tourists; The king would drag everyone on runs and sometimes it ended up with going on mysterious and amusing adventures. Fern remembered when Cyrus came back a few years ago for a Holdiay told them Harth got into a fight with a person threatening to kidnap the king and was surprised that she managed to lose, turns out it was a friend of Harth's, and it was a surprise for the holiday.

Other stories included Kate being so drunk she gave Bart remarkably interesting hallucinations; Fern had no clue how Kate could pull of such a stunt! Not to forget how Bart managed to trick Halobean into marrying her with papers agreeing that Halobean could kill Bart whenever she pleased; although Cyrus never necessarily said she was drunk then. They were still unfortunately married to this day (Unluckily for Halobean).

Fern has heard multitudes of stories about the chaos which surrounds the castle and its inhabitants, some good and heartwarming, others mildly concerning that they are somehow still allowed in the castle. However not all were entertaining, Cyrus would regularly express concerns about how shady and mysterious their appearances would be as soon as you got into their past and how they felt like there was more to these people then being humorous drinking partners for the monarch to boss around. Fern themself could even sense there was more to these people than what meets the eye so what would be stopping them from investigating a little further into this circus of wild personas.

"Hello Fern? Fern? FERN?" Kate screamed in Fern's ear, Fern scribbled a few more things in her notebook before finally catching Kate's glance, "pub?" Kate asked, "Pardon?" Fern heard but asked just to have some more time to process if this was the best idea accepting the invitation "I keep telling you Shes deaf" Bart sneaks back into the conversation "THEY! NOT SHE, THEY!" Fern freaks at Bart "ohhhh" (she did not listen). "Would you like to come to the pub?" Kate repeats herself; Fern hesitates before agreeing to the offer.

Expecting to be eaten alive by a drunk Kate or Bart or have a nice and enjoyable time Fern was shaken not knowing exactly what they agreed to. While getting ready to go Fern noticed Harth had not moved from her original spot in the corner and had been cautiously staring at Fern for almost three hours straight, nevertheless they had to leave if they wanted to have an enjoyable time and get back before the monarch returned from their job.

Once everyone arrived at the bar Fern and Harth sat on the bar stalls while the rest of the group gone off to be the chaos in other civilians' days, the topic of many stories people will tell their grandkids about "the time the royal jester jumped on my table and started singing to me" I'm sure. Harth flagged down the bartender who gladly came over with a smile on his face, He had short messy blonde hair, was wearing a brown coat not fully over him decorated nicely with gold stipes despite him being from the lower class; underneath he has a slightly tinted shirt and a black waist coat. "The usual" Harth said with her default expression of Un amusement, a few minutes passed while Harth was waiting Fern had been drawing something in their book "what have you got there?" Harth asked, "just drawing" Fern said shyly before the bartender passed Harth her drink. He looked over Fern's shoulder to see a drawing of Harth, "you've really captured her beauty, good job" Fern shook as they thanked the bartender.

"So, any questions?" Harth unenthusiastically asked, "What is everyone like?" Fern courageously answered with a question; "Halobean is quite immature, but she has a good heart. Bart is a pain in the ass, especially his ability. Michelle, Alexandra, Coleman, and Zak are mature but still have their quirks and Kate, just avoid letting her use her ability on you" Harth listed everyone like they were some kind of dogs that she was about to adopt while Fern was jotting everything down in their journal. "What do you mean by ability's" Fern questioned "Sorry how old are you? Do you not know anything about the world" Harth answered back clearly affected by her 6th shot the most, "Tomorrow were going to the museum there doing a tour explaining those things you should join us." Harth invited. Fern hesitated before the bartender slipped in "Hey I've never got an invitation to anything like that" he leans over the bar closer to Harth "and to think after everything I've done for you!"

Fern cut in very uncomfortably asking Harth about herself, Harth did not respond and just took another drink before saying, "it is not my job to trust you I'm not going to guide you around town without questioning you" some glass shattered in the background before she put down her drink and headed over to the clash (Made by Bartholomew as usual). "Bart what are you doing" Harth asked angrily "Shut up Harth what are you going to do stab me again???" Bart (clearly intoxicated) snapped back at Harth. Before he could get ready to even have a chance to fight back Harth made a full swing at Bart knocking her down on the ground to be taken care of the rest before she ordered one more drink.

"I know Harth can be a little mysterious, and sometimes scary... but she has good intentions and is just doing her job" the bartender calmly starred at Harth while taking to Fern "Do you think she will ever get used to me" Fern asked "I don't hate you calm down you seem pretty all right" Harth still looked down at her drink. The bartender snatched it from underneath Harth "Alright sweetie that's enough" Harth maliciously stared "I paid for that" "I know, and I will pay you back" the bartender explained "In more than one way if you want" he turned to a more flirtatious tone. "Not in front of the new guy please, Lone" Fern looked back and forth between Harth and lone before scribbling something else in their journal, "What are you looking at?" Harth asked Fern a bit flustered, "Right Barts knocked out we should go back" said Harth, Fern looked towards Bart lying on the floor amazed that just one punch from Harth did that to him. "Lone you can come tomorrow if you want to meet us at the castle at 8:00."

Fern left the tavern with Harth and the rest of the group, yet something felt off about the characters they had just met, especially Harth...

We did not know what yet, but something drew them to investigate further into what these characters had behind the smiling faces, stern voices and if it would link to more than just the story of the castle.

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