Chapter ten: Presumed dead

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Two weeks after the misunderstanding Harth still hadn't returned, this left quite a lot of the group distraught. Without their most treasured guard the castle was presumed defenseless leading to an uprising in attempted break-ins, thankfully Itto and the other knights could just about make up for her absence together, but it left them all extremely busy. Cyrus also felt the effects of the loss of Harth, with all the stress now being on protecting the castle as well as trying to save the economy they were barely seen anymore, locked away in an endless cycle of meetings. Fern was very set on finding her, and after a week they managed to convince Halobean of their point of view pestering the others to start searching for her (No one of course cared about Barts absence). The two who were most distraught were no doubt Sylvester and Lone, Sylvester was very secluded, always tearing up out of nowhere and his trances less frequent with Itto too busy, Harth gone and Lone now in despise of him, no one could even stop them. Lone however was less secretive about his depression, he had been staying at the castle in hopes for Harth to come back, he would try his best to not be a drag, cleaning with the maids, cooking with Zak, but in the evenings and any free time he would sit and drink for hours on end, 10-20 beers a night, he barely spoke a word despite his usually outgoing personality.

Fern, now joined by Halobean were the only two who could try a comfort Sylvester, "We have got to find her, let's ask Itto and Lone I'm sure they will join" Fern was adamant but Halobean had her doubts, she fetched Itto who was on patrol and brought him to the common room, Lone was once again drinking to his hearts content in the corner but had come out of respect for Halobean and Fern. Sylvester was crawled up in a singular arm chair next to the fireplace showing his face just enough for everyone to know he was listening, Itto was sitting quite ill-manneredly on the arm of the matching stained dark brown sofa, the same sofa Lone was drinking on thankfully he put down his drink when Halobean started making the announcement. Fern had wrote down all what they wanted to do but still was quite scared of the group, "Fern and I have invited all of you, the people that Harth trusts the most" she starts of loudly. "And Lone" She mutters under her breath, "To help find-" she reads the script a bit more and realizes it's not for their liking and sets it down on top of the fire place, "Listen, the castle is in shambles, were requiring double the support we have, Cyrus doesn't even have the time to eat anymore and we know you all need Harth to be here and-" she is cut off by a semi-drunk Lone "Harth wants to be alone, don't try go a find her, she doesn't need it, end of discussion." Halobean felt challenged by Lones rebuttal. "You're the one who scared her off, you don't get a talk in this Lone" he finally gets on his feet "You invited me here, she's my partner, I know her better than anyone else here" he points to her chest before going to exit "What am I saying! I don't need permission from a sack of shit like you, pick up your beer on the way out were going to find Harth" Halobeans words are shrugged off by Lone as he exits.

Halobean takes a deep breath as she sits down on the arm chair opposite to Sylvester, Fern picks there speech back up and sits back where Lone was "You all like Harth right?" the group nods, "What about Lone?" this finally made Sylvester utter his first word after 2 weeks, "He is abusive, he doesn't deserve Harth and he doesn't love her" his throat croaks as if he forgot to talk, "You don't know that" Fern finally speaks their own thoughts making the room go silent. "So, when do we set off?" Itto asks lightening the situation, "Your coming?" they ask in excitement, "We all are" Halobean joins in, "You are coming Sylvester, right?" he takes a breath "Of course" and smiles. They all debated through their eyes about explaining the "prank" and the "misunderstanding", but no one ever raised their voice. "Where would we even look?" Itto asks, Halobean and Fern remember back to two weeks ago Lone insisted she was on the hill of graves, while it would be very unlikely, she would still be there it would be a great place to start.

The hill of graves was always the same, on the frozen winter nights or the scorching summer days, no matter what the hill of graves would always remain a moist damp cold place with a sense of magical eerie heat coming from the grave at the top, no one knew how long it was there for or who it belonged to the grave had no name inscribed just a single picture of a creature unknown to the eye of anyone. Fern had been here before after finally being taught the story of the world unknowing that they would be written into another chapter, they remember Harth looking over Lone, Bart, Halobean and Kate on the bronze beach as she described their abilities. Itto and Halobean felt the uneasiness of the graves, every step up the steep hill edging closer to the top made them filled with dread and sorrow feeling the full effects of the air despite concentrating on the task at hand. Sylvester had seemed as if he had been here before his familiarity and concentration on the surroundings showed it, but he never uttered a word about how he knew this place. Eventually, the group made it to the top, on the empty grave they saw a figure, a figure presumed to be Harth as Halobean rushed up to her and she was correct. "Harth have you been here this whole time? How are you? Are you alright? Do we need to get someone?" Halobean spit fired the questions over and over at Harth as the rest came over, Sylvester's face lit up just a little bit more like a certain weight had been taken of his shoulders, Fern and Itto were just glad to have her back, "You are going to come back with us, right?" Fern interrupted Halobeans questioning noticing the untruly look on Harths face. Saying this made the others in the group ponder the same question, would she come back surely?

Harth mutters a guilty laugh and turns around, she leans down and investigates the edge of the cliff running her hand through the ghostly grass, "You didn't need to come and find me" Harth lifted herself up of the ground, "I'll be back tomorrow" She turned herself around her foot edging so closer to the end of the cliff, her humble look confused and worried everyone around as they noticed her bruise had vanished, "I promise" those were the last words she uttered, she took one step back as everyone ran to her side and looked down upon the cliff. No body was seen not even a marking of where she jumped off, as if it was like a dream or a false reality, but it was reality to the group, it could've been. Halobean and Fern speechless at what they had witness holding back tears even Itto was disturbed and hurt but Sylvester, He was in tears the words he spoke were tears, every breath he took were tears, all until the way to the castle not a word was spoken just Sylvester's tears echoing the walls of the kingdom.

When they got in, they once again saw a depressing Lone with alcohol surrounding him like a swarm of bees surrounds the people who break their hive, Sylvester and Halobean were disgusted at the sight of him, marching up ready to break him by telling him the news but was stopped and sent to bed by Itto. "You too go to sleep", he demands of Lone, "Don't tell me what to do, that isn't your job is it? It's your job-" Lone drunken replies but is cut off by Itto "Harth is dead" Lone stops in his tracks takes his beer and complies, not a word is said he was in disbelief as if he knew Harth was still alive.

Harth wasn't dead, that would have been a too easy end to the story wouldn't it have been? Lone was up at midnight, depression had really taken to him, but it would all be cured when he saw Harth, still with her bruised eye come back through the castle door, he was thankful to see her, and she was thankful to see him.

She was alive. She just had to be alive, didn't she?

Baylou's charactersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora