Chapter twelve : Memories dimmer than the events that transpire

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Memories are important in life and history, for example most remember this story I'm telling you now from Fern's perspective; but just because they are the main character doesn't necessarily mean it's their story, no this is the story of a multitude of characters and how their memories would differ of the events that had transpired. Fern was never here to witness any of these next events and yet it was so important that they almost wished they did. This simple event was a promise that was broken.

Lone and Itto barely had a relationship, the only way they shared a special connection was through Harth and Sylvester. Lone never put it to thought if him and Itto should spend some time getting to know each other and he was quite taken by surprised when Itto asked him if he would want to go to the shops with him. Harths reaction was suspicious too, especially the look on Sylvesters face as if this was some sort of planning the two was carrying out. Itto packed and gave Sylvester a time for when they should be back, this would leave Harth and Sylvester alone making Harth more uncomfortable, however she had no one else to turn to, Cyrus and Fern were working, Bart was still missing, Halobean and Kate left for shopping earlier and Michelle and Zak were continuing their jobs as the royal blacksmith and chef, two jobs best not to be disturbed. When Lone was fully gone Sylvester barely left any time to start flattering Harth, every movement she made was deserved of praise and compliments to him, you would never be quite sure if Harth was purposely trying to ignore this flattery or was actually this oblivious. "Great knight, please do not inform me that you are this dumbfounded" Sylvester with a somewhat sense of impatience mentioned, "Excuse you?" Harth quickly understood that "Oh yes sorry excuse my language, but couldn't you be a bit more understanding? I am complimenting you after all or is everyone's daily praise just too much for you to handle anymore" Sylvester playfully started fighting with Harth, who took it relatively worse. "I do not get complemented as much as you suggest" she replied, "Oh really? Half the city, probably even the world knowing your status is in love with you." It was true that Harth was quite a celebrity and had a few fans from different countries. She looked away uncomfortably as Sylvester got progressively less subtle.

This gone on for a few minutes, Harth becoming more distant by every compliment Sylvester spoke; thankfully Slyvester finally started to notice, "Harth?" he would go back to a worrying tone remembering all that happened with Lone, "Do you think you might be uncomfortable from the trauma that Lone has given you?". The topic almost offended Harth, "Lone is fine, I don't know what you are talking about" Sylvesters reaction to this was always the same nagging to Harth begging for her to tell the truth, but maybe he just didn't want to hear it. "Harth please, is Lone treating you right?" He sounded hurt in his voice like he was the one suffering from what Lone was doing to her, "Yes, he's fine and he is only rude to you because he's overprotective, nothing else is in order" she shut down the conversation at once. Harth was thought to handle any situation with no fear no breaking a single sweat and not losing control out of anything, Sylvester would break these barriers no wonder why Lone was supposedly overprotective, yet even then nothing would ever be able to explain Lones behavior towards Harth, he would be regarded as a villain to everyone and she could never change that. "Harth, do you hear that?" a strange noise as if a ghost was haunting the castle came through the corridors, "I just want to play." The spirit sounded like a little child, Harth unsheathed her sword at once "I do not have the time to deal with another ghost" but then silence was heard again.

It was spooky but disposed of it would have no relevance when Sylvester hunched over again grabbing his now bleeding stomach, a pool of scarlet blood pouring beneath him. Harth rushed to his aid without a second hesitation, thankfully that's when Lone and Itto arrived back, seeing Harths unsheathed sword brought Lone to conclusions "Harth what did you do" Itto rushed to the sword completely ignoring the dying Sylvester, it had no blood on it, so it must've not been caused by Harth. It all happened so suddenly, it always did with Sylvester, he would suddenly go on trances and start bleeding out but this, this felt the most sudden. It ended with a final cough of blood as Sylvester passed out right next to Harth, he didn't continue bleeding as if it was magical, the scarlet blood dried ash. "We need help here" Harth shouted at Lone and Itto who checked Sylvesters pulse almost 8 times over "There's none" he muttered "What?" The five stages of grief had never shown in Harth before.

"Sylvester is dead"

The pearl whites in Harth eyes turned to the same void people saw before, but this time both the eyes had been struck. Lone dropped everything, he rushed over like his life depended on it, no one had ever seen Lone truly fear like this before, even tears developed and his body shaking. "No no Sylvester what did you do, Sylvester what the fuck did you do" anxiety built up in Lones voice, meanwhile Harth could barely control her anger, no one had ever seen any of the two like this before it was hard to believe when Itto had told the rest later. Lone took out the same medication that he had been forcing Harth to take regularly again, while begging Itto to do something to get Sylvester alive again. "There's a pulse" Itto exclaimed in relief, it wasn't the fact that Sylvester that died but more Harth and Lones fearful reaction that made him dread. One of Harths eyes slowly faded back to normal leaving just her red one black, Lone grabbed her as soon as he could and dragged her away forcefully "Take care of Sylvester I need to take her away urgently" his anxiety showed, what could Harth possibly do to make this situation worse? Sylvester finally woke up with ease, his skin looked healthier and his appearance brighter, unlike anything he had ever looked like before his face eyes and smile almost seemed more living than they did prior. "Lone and Harth are gone" Itto mentioned to Slyvester as he started to take him to the infirmary. Itto also notified the rest of the castle, after all last time Harth left it was the most stressful weeks of their lives since monarch astrids death.

It was all for nothing though as Harth and Lone came back later that night, the anxiety in her face was clear and it was visible for everyone to see, she wore the same voided eye. Sylvester rushed over at once to see Harth, but she shrugged him away, she felt hurt and would make it clear that Sylvester had done something to upset her, her attitude wouldn't go unnoticed, "HARTH" Lone shouted repeatedly surprisingly encouraging her to be nice to Sylvester. Lone would repeat her attention over and over until eventually lashing out, "HE DIED HARTH!" the room was silent watching the drama unfold "He fucking died, and you are ignoring him" Harth crunched her fist of rage, the room didn't know who to side with, Harth was being rude but wasn't it hypocritical of Lone to say this. "This was your idea not mine" she muttered under her breathe, that was the last straw for Lone he grabbed her by the wrist violently and dragged her away against her will. What idea? What were they talking about? No one knew it was so important and so unspoken off no one could know or dare to ask what they meant, Lone reacted as if she just threatened their lives and he took her away for another three days. When they finally returned Infront of the same room Sylvester once again gone in for a hug not just for Harth but weirdly Lone too, he backed off and shielded her away from Sylvester. "You look different" she mentioned to Sylvester, he smiled and then gone to ask Itto something very strange, "What's that guy next to Harths name?".

"I'm confused, you don't remember my name? We hated each other, what's wrong with him?" Lones response was as expected, "Did I hate him?" He double checked with Itto. He signaled Sylvester to stop "He has minor case of dementia" he explained. The rest of the castle had already known this and was saddened, but not as much as Harth when she found out, "What do you remember?" she asks as the lot sat down, "Well I remember the bar", Sylvester chuckled. Lone hadn't been informed and was already quite suspicious of the two that day, he didn't confront Harth however, she was on the brink of tears, something not even Lone has seen from her, "Take this, I used to work as a pharmacist for a bit it should help with the dementia" Lone regrettably tried to help Sylvester to make Harth happier. "It won't work, you see Sylvester's memories, weren't quite his" Itto clearly knew about Sylvester the whole time, but why is he still refusing to tell the rest, "You know what? Fuck you Sylvester, you took away the one thing that mattered the most to me, but now you matter more to her and now you don't even remember any of it. I don't care if it's some supernatural shit you have to go through just get your memory back one way or another" Lone confronted Sylvester in tears, the only thing anyone else could do was watch, Harth tried her best to comfort him but it wasn't enough he was at the door already "Just, do whatever makes Harth happy, even if it's the end of the world".

Like I said no one had ever seen Harth show this much emotion before, she was in tears, Sylvester grabbed Harth "I didn't want to screw up my new life that quickly, I'm sorry" Harth snaped at Sylvester with a buildup of emotions, "The love of my life just walked out on me and you don't even remember who I am" everyone wished to intervene but she could calm herself down "What do you remember?" Sylvester was prepared to answer this sooner than later, "Only you" he grabbed Harth and passionately kissed, he thought it would be a happy moment, him and Harth had finally shared a kiss however the fear as she pulled back had disappointed him,
"I love Lone, and I'm going to find him,

Im sorry...


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