Chapter eleven: "I promise"

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A promise is often overused, as one day sooner or later you'll break that promise. No anger is brought to anyone more as an "I promise" being a complete and utter lie, even if it wasn't the persons fault the promise was broken. Despite thinking we can, we can never control anything, something can always break or have an error in the system and something as small as that can be a reason why the biggest most important promise is broken. Nothing is a problematic as the words "I promise".

You can imagine the surprise of the group when Harth kept her promise from yesterday and appeared sitting next to Lone on the dining table, despite everyone rushing over at once Lone not once let go of Harth. They all sat next to the two the closet being Sylvester and halobean who were practically sharing a chair trying to talk to Harth. Halobean tried to get Harths attention, but it was fully focused on Sylvester, Lone had an apologetic smile at halobean still not letting go of Harth. The grip only got tighter when Sylvester laid his hand on her knee "How are you?" she quickly flicks it of "I'm fine" Lone was quick to turn his attention to Sylvester staring at him with threatening look. Sylvester rolled his eyes and continued paying attention to Harth, he noticed something off and nudged halobean, "Why is your eye bruised again?" She said quite unfamiliar that Sylvester was trying to be subtle. Itto and Fern also started remembering that the day before it was completely fine, "Maybe she hit it on the way down, how did you survive that by the way?" Itto was the first to mention the event yesterday and was the last, "I didn't do anything" Harth shut down any further questions at once. Cyrus came in ecstatic that her best guard was back, they all ate a full meal prepared by Zak it was the best any of them had in a while, everyone (apart from a still missing Bart) was here Michelle, Kate, Cyrus, Halobean, Itto, Fern and Sylvester, all of them were happy to see Harth back.

Mid-day everyone was gathered in the throne room enjoying themselves, Cyrus had gave everyone a day off including themself allowing everyone to calm after the chaotic 2 weeks they just had. Apart from Sylvester and Itto that is, everyone could hear the two shouting each other down the hall, "Shut up or I'll make you shut up." They heard Itto scream, this was entertainment for the whole room, they were all sitting in different places listening to the argument unfold. "And how does he plan on doing that" Lone said jokingly towards Harth yet it set of a chain reaction of laughter throughout the room "FUCK YOU!" Slyvester shouted, Lone's reply? "I bet he will fuck you-" enjoying the very enthusiastic attention he continued, "Those two are like a marry couple I swear, they act like they hate each other yet they share a room" everyone got the joke of course, apart from Harth taking it very literally "It's because there was no room left, I would say now that Barts gone they can have his room but, he didn't even have a room" unintentionally her taking it seriously got a better reaction then the joke. The two eventually walked in and the room fell silent trying to hold in a laugh, surprisingly Harth (who just got the joke) was the first one to break followed by the rest of the room. After the noise calmed and the room fell into their separate conversations again, Sylvester made their way over to Harth and Lone sitting on the floor near the unlit fireplace playing cards, "You alright? You never laugh" he asks her, she responds with an unenthusiastic "I'm fine" as usual, he keeps pestering her on and on unbelievably that she was doing fine until Lone cut in, "Can you honestly take a hint from Itto and shut the fuck up? Shes fine she isn't the emotionless slave you so clearly see her as." the room fell silent watching the two intense "Go fuck yourself Lone, like you care about her" Lone leaves the room after the argument, Harth didn't try to stop him, but Fern could tell in their eyes she wanted to.

Sylvester walked on the stage adjacent to the throne that he would perform on many months ago, he gets ready to start performing again, Michelle talked about his performances and how beautiful they were to Harth and Fern all the time but no one really other than her and Cyrus heard them. The room fell silent in excitement to finally hear the royal musician... well play music. It was going good until, "Seen as its nearly night, I thought I could play a song." it was mid-day it was bright sky's outside, just as he took his first breath he crumpled onto the floor again, Itto and Harth rushed to his side immediately, "Did you know about this?" Harth asks Itto who is seemingly carrying out a procedure to try help him, "Let me just focus on keeping him alive right now." He replied half-heartedly, "and to do that we need to get that fucking thing out of him" Harth suggested, Fern was confused, what thing? Did she find out what's wrong with Sylvester? Itto ignored Harth's demands, and Sylvester woke up again, "He just needs some food." The two try to leave without saying a word, "Promise you won't hurt him?" she asks, "I promise I won't hurt him today". Itto was smart he made a temporary promise, those are much easier to keep than the lifelong ones.

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